Saturday, August 9, 2008

Do it. Do it. Do it.

Given that the national mood has turned against Reublicans and greedy oil companies, I'm hoping like crazy the House Republicans follow through on their pledge to shut the government down so close to the election. And holy heck, I hope Bush McCain keeps backing them. Yeah baby, show those swing voters just who's side you Republicans are on.


Some Guy said...

Well, it failed when Gingrich tried it (twice) and it bombed big time when the Republicans on "The West Wing" tried it, so obviously it should work this time!

Elizabeth said...

We shall see.

DivaJood said...

Dear Dr. Monkey, you are on my list, I knew I'd put you there - under Usual Suspects - but it's under Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein rather than Monkey Muck. You get the name, my dear.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Diva-I noticed that right after I wrote that comment, that's why I deleted it. Sorry. I should have known you were a stand up gal.