Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Big news ignored by big media

They finally captured this piece of shit:

But the big TV media has been strangely silent about the arrest of Radovan Karadzic and it's not hard to figure out why.
  • He's a white European. The corporate media loves to go after foreign leaders with brown skin but they hate to go after the white ones much.
  • He's European. They think we've all forgotten about the atrocities that Karadzic perpetrated because he's a cuddly European. It's not like he's a fire breathing radical like Hugo Chavez or some axis of evil reject from Iran.
  • They don't want us to imagine Bush and Cheney, and while I'm at it Karl Rove, Douglas Feith, Condi Rice, and the rest of that gang of lawless thugs, under arrest for their crimes like Karadzic is now.

What the people in power in our country have done to Iraq and Afghanistan is just as bad as what Karadzic did to Serbia. And the way the media is ignoring this story is just as bad as how they were cheerleaders for Bush the Idiot in the run up to the war on Iraq.

If there is any justice in this world then Bush and Cheney and all their pals in the neo con movement will end up in a jail cell in the Hague like those Serbian murderers.


Karen said...

I didn't notice anything on our local media about this either although CBC Radio did report on it throughout the day. Go figure. Considering he's responsible for probalby the biggest European massacre since WWII you'd think people would take notice.

dguzman said...

Bullet Point #3 is a big one--when I was listening to the NPR report yesterday afternoon and heard them talking about the Bosnian government "handing him over" to the authorities, I had a brief moment of euphoria imagining Cheney and Bush and all their pals hiding in some "spiderhole," with every American citizen looking to grab 'em, cuff 'em, and turn them over to the Hague.


Madam Z said... my neck of the woods, I have heard and read quite a bit of coverage of Karadzic's capture and of the atrocities for which he was responsible, especially the slaughter of 8,000 Muslim men and boys. I have heard nothing indicating that anyone thinks he's a "cuddly European."

Dean Wormer said...

You know why it took so long don't you?

They didn't put his face on a "wanted" playing card.

Wandering Coyote said...

This was all over CBC Newsworld yesterday morning! I mean ALL OVER IT. Strange.

Ubermilf said...

In addition to the reasons you cite, they also don't want to validate anything Clinton did.

Remember, according to the Gingriches of our country, the only reason Clinton sent our troops into Serbia was to distract us from the "real" issue of Monica Lewinsky's dry cleaning, not because any atrocities were taking place. Wag the Dog!

Elizabeth said...

If only . . . .

Life As I Know It Now said...

We can hope!

Anonymous said...

Georgie is gonna get on all those pre-emptive pardons now, I betcha!

Snad said...

Yeah - it's kind of like how the McMedia is dealing with Obama's trip to the ME. Page 3 of the local paper had a story about how McCain was "struggling to stay above the headlines of his opponent's trip". However, the story of his opponent's trip was on age 9. And on the radio I heard several mentions of the same sort - first McCain talking about how he disagreed with Obama's plans, then about Obama's plans. Such a fresh! new! approach to the news.

Anonymous said...

Karma is a bitch, as they say. But hey, since the courtroom at The Hague is already paid for and everything, why not go after Bush Co.?

Wandering Coyote said...

This is quite fascinating.

Snad: Obama's trip to the ME has been all over the news up here!

Free press down there? Huh?

Wandering Coyote said...

Currently watching Obama's speech in Berlin LIVE on CBC Newsworld. Was it broadcast down there? No. I've just perused the US networks I get via satellite and none of them are carrying it.