Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Many are called, few are chosen

Woo hoo! I've got to report prior to 9 AM in the morning for jury service. I'll probably get "struck" but who knows, I may also get to serve on a jury. Either way, I'm excited to do my civic duty.


Johnny Yen said...

One of my old teaching colleagues got called for jury duty and ended up in a civil trial (a lawsuit). It turned out to be a malpractice case in which a baby was left severely brain-damaged by improper treatment. They returned a $22 million verdict, the highest in Illinois history.

John Shuck said...

It makes me smile when Dr. Monkey quotes scripture. One way not to be chosen is to tell the judge you would like to serve but need to consult your inner voices first.

Elizabeth said...

Hooray for you! I hope you get to serve. I tried, but didn't make it, as they settled.

Dean Wormer said...

Playing hearts with old folks isn't so bad.

Unconventional Conventionist said...

I'll bet you a banana the prosecution/plaintiff's team will strike you. They don't like smart monkeys on juries.