Monday, June 30, 2008

The 1956 Baptist Student Association from East TN State would like to remind you that...

...unless you suck it up and become Baptists like they are, then you're going to hell. And that goes double for liberals and folks who think it's okay for two dudes to kiss and get married.


Angry Ballerina said...

God forbid they have a family too

Madam Z said...

I'll "suck it" baby, but I won't "suck it up and become Baptist." And I guess I'll be going to hell three times over, since I'm a gay-marriage-approving liberal too.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

My road to Hell has been gold-plated for years, so some idle threat from the Baptists doesn't mean much to me.

Bradda said...

Man I gotta become a Baptist, it's like a 5-1 girls to guy ratio!

Missy said...

I know, I know...and no dancin' either.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Madam Z-I'll save you a seat next to me in hades.

Elizabeth said...

Uhhh, isn't a prerequisite for going to hell believing that there's a hell in the first place?

Elizabeth said...

Oh, and while I'm at it, let me say that I'm proud to be living in one of the handful of states that allows gay marriage. I'm just sorry my state wasn't the first to approve it.

Madam Z said...

enc: "isn't a prerequisite for going to hell believing that there's a hell in the first place?"

Hmmmm. Good point. Dr. Monkey? Never mind saving me a seat. Darn.

dguzman said...

I'm with Enc. I don't believe in heaven or hell, though I'm often tempted to believe in hell so that Cheney and Bush will have a place to go once they finally wither and die.

Micgar said...

Boy! Those Baptists look like real fun-loving, caring tolerant folks, huh?

Life As I Know It Now said...

Hell is what we make here on Earth. Bush and Cheney are doing a great job bringing religion to the masses I'd say.