Monday, June 30, 2008

How did that meeting go between Obama and President Clinton go?

Clinton, angry over the fact that Obama beat his wife in the race for the Democratic party's Presidential nomination, morphed into a rabid pit bull and attacked Senator Obama.
Obama then did the only thing he could have done, he defended himself. It took mere minutes for Clinton to see the light and to fully commit to supporting Obama in the Presidential race.
Once he had the support of Bill "I never had sex with that woman" Clinton locked up, Sen. Obama took his daughter out for some ice cream.

And when Obama kicked Bush McCain's ass in November, we all lived happily ever after.


Little Merry Sunshine said...

If only it were all that simple. Although I would expect that's a pretty accurate description of today's meeting.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

awwww, you were evesdropping weren't you?

details, enquiring minds want to know,

what flavor ice cream???

Ricky Shambles said...

sherry - Chocobama, of course, which is chocolate ice cream, featuring mounds of class understanding, ripples of hope and change, and large nuts. The 32nd Flavor, so to speak.

monkey - I'm never sure if the brilliance or the wit are ahead in your head, but it appears they are oscillating, perhaps revolving around each other as they push through the internets, playfully passing each other, smacking each other on the ass with back-scratchers.

Or that's how I see them. The internets can get itchy.

Ubermilf said...

I don't think any of this really happened.

Anonymous said...

Hooray, I love a happy ending. But then again, who doesn't?

Bridget Jones said...

You've got a real talent for fiction there, Mr. M.

Can't say I envy you guys the choice, but I can say that this person here is sick of right wing crap and what it's done to all of us. Hope the same is true down there.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Ubermilf-Are you as negative with everyone else as you are with me? Every time I see a comment from you it's always in the vein of "You better not be making fun of..." or you deny the premise of my comic posts. The first thing you learn in improv comedy, and it's true for all comedy whether written or performance, is to say "Yes" instaed of "No." Denial always kills the humor and makes the person who denied the premise look very unfunny.

Madam Z said...


Blueberry said...

Perfect illustrations! Right down to the sign on the left, something about "PUMA" (Party Unity My Ass, that new bunch of Democrats who wanting to get McCain elected just for spite) followed by "UNITE". Not sure what the first item on the marquee is. hmmm. A short word with "ing" on the end.

Ubermilf said...

I can't tell if you're writing a facetious reply to my facetious comment, or if you're really upset.

Angry Ballerina said...

I hope so....

Elizabeth said...

If only . . . .

GETkristiLOVE said...

If Obama kicks McCunt's ass, I'll even buy the ice cream.