I recently sent him an email asking him to introduce legislation that would strip all contractors doing business in Iraq on behalf of the US government of any and all immunity from prosecution. I asked him to do this so that the people in Blackwater and KBR who are murdering innocent Iraqis and raping their female co workers will be brought to justice. I also asked that after he introduced such legislation that he then resign so that his seat can be taken over by a person who will do the people's business in Washington DC and not be a tool of the multi national corporations.
It's been over a month since I asked him to do these two small things for me. He has done neither and he's not even bothered to write me a letter back telling me why he refuses to do what I asked. It's down right rude of him not to at least reply to me, don't you think?
The very least he could do is send a "your views are important to me..." form letter. I get the same one from Tammy Baldwin every time I write to her. They piss me off, but I guess it's better than no response at all.
Yes, he should, that sniveling snake in the grass
It's time to send and re-send until his office is full of your letters!
If you were to call his office, they would probably give you the line "it must have gotten lost on The Internets. You know how unreliable The Internets can be."
In all seriousness, that does happen sometimes. Emails don't go through because the internet burps (at least that's how I explain it).
Why don't you print out your email (showing the original date you sent it) and snail mail it to him with a note saying "Since you haven't responded to this email for over a month, I can only assume you didn't receive it. Please respond ASAP."
But Dr. Monkey! He *is* a person who will let business "do" the people! Isn't that enough?
And I'm sure he would be happy to introduce legislation to strip "innocent Iraqis and...their female co workers" on behalf of the US government. You just aren't making the "right" requests.
Two entirely reasonable requests. Maybe the next time you send them, they should be attached to a petition signed by a few thousand of your fellow citizens. Just an idea.
I bet he if got tagged with a meme he wouldn't do it either.
That loser!
Nope Monk, he's too busy at important functions like the apple festival making appearances with his expensive body guards (last year). He is a dimunitive person, indeed, in stature and deeds. I've sent many overland letters to him and get a stock reply thanking me for my support--idiot! It might take a street protest to get this worm out of office.
Bastard. And why do all these a-hole repugs always look like scary freaks? This guy makes Gacy look normal.
I'll bet you a bag of jumbo peanuts our newly elected a "rock ribbed conservative hard right wing Republican" in Louisiana, Steve Scalise, is a bigger douchebag than yours.
I used to get those form letters from the right-wingnuts who represented me in Missouri, and they are unsatisfying. My Senators sent letters that were so wishy-washy they said nothing, and my representative (which was Jim Talent) was more honest and sent me a letter saying he disagreed with my views.
Now, in Texas where you wouldn't expect it, my Congressman (Lloyd Doggett) is as liberal as I am, and totally represents my views. When I write him I get an answer back that sounds like someone actually looked up the issues and did homework. I love that man.
But my Senators are far right, so I'm not going to waste my time writing them, especially since I live in one of the damned dirty hippie zip codes and they know I didn't vote for them anyway.
He's what my sisters and I call a "big pink man".
what a doofus...
i write my senators OFTEN -- one day i sent Hillary 75 emails....
i wonder how her staff handled it
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