You know, their idiotic pronouncements about this kind of thing might not be so bad if they were doing some actual diplomacy behind the scenes while they shouted their bellicose rhetoric like Nixon did when he "opened" China or like the British government did when it was negotiating with the IRA in private while prosecuting them in public. But no, Bush, Condi, and Cheney are too stupid to do the likes of that. They'd rather just rather widen their current circle of death and call anyone who disagrees with them terrorist loving traitors.
We can only hope they don't try to bring their Jesus back by trying to bomb Iran so that they will trigger Armageddon.
That Ark won't help in case of man-made Armageddon, but it might help when climate change and melting glaciers puts Manhattan and Galveston under water.
I heard his little tirade of the absurd this morning--what a fucking lunatic. And oh my GOD, do I hate that self-righteous smarter-than-you tone of his, especially when he reads his cue cards about anything dealing with history (or science or philosophy or economics or--well--anything). Stupid bastard.
Yup, financing or appeasing the Nazi's was beyond the pale. Good thing George Wanker Bush's family never cashed in on that.
Cause, that would be all, like, hypocritical and shit.
Nice post.
My nerves are frayed.
8 years of watching a chimp play with a hand grenade will do that.
Dean Wormer - you are so right.
Monkey - but isn't that their plan? I'm mean, for real, they think they'll bring on Armageddon and the Rapture.
Guess we won't be getting that "Peace in the Middle East" marketing initiative he wanted before leaving office.
Of course, this was on the news up here all morning. What a fucktard. When I heard his comment, I was like, "Yeah and illegally occupying a country DID work?" Jesus.
anythign out of his mouth is mind numbing --- i bet he didnt even know germany invaded poland --- condi had to write it out phonetically for him
and to talk about Nazis in the Knesset --- chills down the spine
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