We saw this last night:

Some people have problem with the slang and or the tone of the dialogue, but in my opinion those people are jealous asses. The backlash against the script was probably started by frustrated screenwriters who spend their days penning endless sequel after sequel for some shitty Nic Cage movie like Con Air or Ghost Rider.
The fact is boys and girls, Juno is a perfect little movie. It's well written, well acted, well directed, well edited, and well, I loved it. I'm not sure if all kids today talk like that but you know what? It's just a movie and it's not earth shatteringly important if Diablo Cody got it 100% right when she wrote it.
This movie would not have been half as good if it did not have Ellen Page in it. She is the heart and soul of the film and rightly so since she plays the title character. She had just the right amount of spunkiness, grit, humor, and sweetness to pull it off. While at times she looked a little older than her supposed 16 years, she was mostly dead on in her portrayal.
Allison Janney and J.K. Simmons shine as Juno's dad and step mom. Janney nails her step mom with a frosty heart of gold character just right.
Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman as the adoptive parents shine bright as well. You start out not liking her that much while really liking him, but then as the film goes on it slowly twists and you come to like her very much while not liking her husband much at all.

As usual Michael Cera was damn fine in his role. This kid's acting prowess has amazed me ever since I saw him in Arrested Development. He gives a clinic in film and TV acting with his every role. To be a great film and TV actor one has to under play ones roles and Cera does it every time and that's why he's so believable in every thing you see him in.

I think the reason why this film has connected with so many people is because it's really about how it's okay to do the right thing. Juno may have made a youthful mistake by having unprotected sex, but she did the right thing by giving her baby up to a woman who was so very ready to be a mom but couldn't have one of her own. Juno's parents did the right thing by supporting her in her decision and taking up for her when they had to. Juno's boyfriend did the right thing by showing her he still loved her and making sure she knew it. And the adoptive husband did the right thing as well, but I'm not going to tell you what he does because I don't want to spoil it for those who have yet to see it. All these characters show that while it's not always easy, in the long run it is always best to do the right thing.
I highly recommend this movie.
I highly recommend it as well. Saw it with my 17 yo daughter and 15 yo son. Very clever dialogue, but also a wonderful story (well, let's not get into Jason's character. I actually didn't see that coming).
The first scene in the quicky-mart had us all laughing.
Whenever you make a movie dealing with a real-life situation, people are gonna complain. "Well, that's not how it was for me (or my best friend or the kid down the street or whatever.)
Um, it's not a documentary...
I loved it. Nice review!
My only complaint is that it was set in MN but not filmed there. I wish movies were made where they are set more because it really stirs the economy and the hometown pride! Stupid taxes and money and whatever else keeps so many movies in Vancouver! Anyway, that is my little rant.
The Coen Bros agree with me...they are filming another movie here soon.
I'm still keen to see this, despite hearing some backlash against it lately. I agree that both Ellen Page and Michael Cera are fantastic actors, and I'm glad to hear it confirmed that this is a fine film. Thanks.
I loved it too. I saw it with two friends, and the elderly male ticket-taker at the theater told us "it's the best movie here right now...you're going to love it."
I loved this movie and am very proud that it's a Canadian-made film featuring Canucks in the main roles!
I saw this the other night and loved, loved, looved it.
Great review for a fun movie.
Great flick. I loved how they reversed roles on the adoptive mom and dad in that I started the film liking him and hating her and changed my mind once the story wore on.
My favorite line: "Excuse me. I am a sacred vessel, alright? All you've got in your stomach is Taco Bell."
I liked this movie a lot too, except I kept waiting for Jason Bateman to lapse into his Arrested Development character and call Michael Cera "George Michael."
I think this is a great movie and you really capture the essence of why that is so.
It reminds me of a post that I just read over at Boxer's about the idiocy of abstinence only education.
Anyway- great film and very well done post to go with it.
OK - here's the one negative comment. I think it made teen pregnancy look too easy and cute and DO-able. My world is FULL of teens right now and believe me NONE of them is that insightful.
My wife and I loved the movie! I thought it was one of the best, funniest and somewhat touching movies I have seen in a while.
I guess I have to agree with MNMOM though that when I think of some of the teens I know, I am not sure that this type of scenario would occur. Still loved the movie!
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