Wednesday, April 30, 2008

McCain's minister

Since the corporate media won't tell you this, I will:
Unlike Sen. Obama, who never sought out the endorsement of his old pastor, Bush McCain actively sought out the endorsement of the hateful bag of religious pus in the above photo, so it's fair to John Hagee is McCain's minister.  Now, let's remember some of the things that McCain's minister has said and that he believes:
Now you tell me, which minister is more of a nut job, the one who wants to trigger a nuclear war so his saviour can come back and wipe all of us non believers out and send us to hell so they can have the earth and everything on it, or the one who has had the gall to speak up for his oppressed flock and talk openly about the terror and injustice that the USA has inflicted on so many people all over the world?  If you picked the raging right wing homophobe from Texas then you win.


Ubermilf said...

And Obama's guy doesn't make $9,000/hour to spew hate.

I'm almost proud to be one of his targets.

I'm your whore of babylon right here, Hagee baby!

John Shuck said...

What is so pissy is that your obvious logic, Monkey slips by unnoticed. Rather than see McCain denouncing Hagee, we see Obama (acting pitifully, frankly) denouncing Wright.

John Shuck said...

Oh by the way, you are tagged and now officially smeared with a clergy endorsement. Take that Monkey!

Claire said...

It's infuriating that Obama's affiliation with Wright has been so extensively covered, with hardly a peep about this nutjob.

dguzman said...

I'm so pissed that no one in the corporate media bothers to look at these batshit-insane "preachers" who are endorsing McCain. They're all effing whackjobs, and McCain begged them for their endorsements (for whatever those endorsements are worth!), and yet of course he gets a pass. Wright hasn't said anything that these nutjobs haven't equalled or surpassed with their idiotic statements.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that McCain was against right wing purveyors of intolerance before he sought their endorsement. Now that he's blowing them in the public square, he's got that whole flip flopper thing going for him.

Mnmom said...

I remember reading that W surrounds himself with shit-house-crazy bastards like this guy, and that they all believed Satan lived in Bagdhad.

Fran said...

Damn! I hate it when Ubermilf gets to be the Whore of Babylon first!!! Me next, me next.

Seriously - this makes me crazy. Hagee is the hate spewer and crazy ass apocalyptic asshat of all time and no one says one freaking word.

That's that wacky uber-liberal MSM for you.


mwb said...

I look at that photo and I think maybe if they had more fiber in their diet that would have those expressions and wouldn't hate so bad...

Micgar said...

Hateful bag of pus! ha ha! I don't think there is a more apt description. And, why don't people know about this?! It's like they paid people not to inform the American citizenry...hey maybe they did!

MC said...

Keith Olbermann has been ripping on McCain for this for a while now.