It seems that the stress test I had a few weeks ago showed that I have a blockage in another artery. My cardiologist called me with that cheery news first thing last Monday morning, what a way to start the week! He told me that he wants to give me a heart cath, which is a procedure where they stick a ballon up the artery and inflate it a bit in an effort to dislodge the blockage. If the ballon doesn't work then they'll have to stick one of these in that artery:

I had one put in the night I had my heart attack so I know what to expect with this. If they have to put the stent in me then I have to stay over night, if not then I'll get to come home later this evening. Keep your fingers crossed the balloon does the job so I don't have to spend the night in Baptist Hospital.
It's not that I don't like Baptist Hospital, it's just that I don't like hospital stays in general. They're expensive and usually stressful. On the bright side, if I do have to stay over night you'll get to read all about it later. And since I'm taking my camera there will be pictures as well.
Have a great day kids and remember I love most each and every one of you. Thanks for stoppng by and making this whole blogging thingy so much fun. I'll be back, odds willing, sometime tomorrow.
Be sweet!
Monkey, My sweet lovin' is with you! I hope you bring us back some pictures of nurses' boobies. (Be sure to request a sponge bath.)
Best wishes for a speedy recovery and that the balloon thingy does the trick!!!! I'll be sending good healthy kharma down your way.
We'll all be thinking of you! Speedy recovery!
And you know we all love you too.
Hope all goes groovy for you, sir!
I hope everything goes as mellow and froody as can be so you get home as soon as you can.
Best wishes, Dr. I hope everything goes smoothly!
Hope all goes well! We'll all be checking frequently!
yeah for preventive medicine!
Good luck to my favorite monkey. Your bouquet of flowers is over at my place with a little note of caution about your surgeon.
Get well sonn Doc, you'll be in my thoughts until you can post again.
Please don't tell me it was my cheesesteak post!!!!
Good luck! I am glad you have a good doctor! You will be in my thoughts. I am glad that you are bringing your camera. :)
Make sure to tell them you're a doctor- you'll get the "real" treatment then.
Good luck, Monkey!
Best of luck on the hospital stay, and don't let them convert you into a Baptist.
Good luck, Dr. Monkey.
My dad is having a stent put in on March 13. For this, we have to go to Vancouver. It's day surgery and does not require a general anesthetic. They stick it up through his leg. Ugh.
So, I feel for you. Be well.
best of thoughts and wishes heading your way.
fingers crossed for balloon-success.
Sending you warm thoughts, and wet kisses...
Boo on the crap news! But I'll be thinking of you, you hunka hunka burning ape. And you will get the best possible care, I'm sure, because they know you are a blogger.
Good vibes going the monkey way...but I will hold on the wet kisses.
Good luck, and get well soon!!
Good luck, man. Hope everything goes well.
I love you, Monkey! Get well soon!
Saying prayers to all sorts of gods and idols.
good luck and good thoughts. you'll kick ass, i'm sure.
Well, I already sent you a little care package in the mail. But I sent it last week, so how did I know you were going to need it? Good luck!
many good wishes sent your way and hope that all goes well!
Good luck, good wishes, good health.
Take care monkey man, hopefully all will go well and you'll be back amongst us before you know it.
where's my monkey man at? in the hospital you say! hey, get well and get the hell out of there before they kill you. okay, I'm joking! no I'm not!
Good Luck, Monkey Man!
best of everything
speedy recovery
get well soon
we are ALL thinking of you.....
we look forward to a monkey return!
Thank gosh for modern medicine. Although the procedure sounds frightening. I'll be thinking of you and sending you all good recovery and healing.
Good Luck and best wishes to you, my friend. Let us know how you are soon!
Monkey - thoughts are with you. Hang tough man.
Holy Moley, Dr. Monkerstein!
I know things will be good. Dr. Evil and I are coming to Tennessee next month to visit my parents and have been discussing a field trip to visit you and Sparky during the trip. So you have to be okay, or we'll tell everybody that you've go a secret crush on Katherine Harris.
Suzy and I are "holding you in the light" as the quakers say. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Awww shucks all your kind words and well wishes made me blush. Thanks for being so nice everybody. I'm back and I'm doing well.
Woot! There is gawd!
Damn, how did I arrive so late for this party? Love on ya, Doctor.
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