Monday, February 11, 2008

True Confessions

I've a got few confessions to make:

1) I hated Buffy the TV series but I loved loved loved Buffy the movie.

2) I didn't like Spinal Tap as much as everybody else did. It's because of Rob Reiner. I just can't stand him.

3) I'll never see anything Julia Roberts is in, she gives me the creeps with her big ol' horse face and that braying laugh.

4) I was always lukewarm on The X Files.

5) I try my best to avoid anything that has an alum of Full House in it.

6) I don't mind celebs who come out with political views but I hate the ones who come out with certain views and then try to recant later when it's not cool to be a certain thing anymore, I'm looking at you Bruce Willis and your statement where you said "Why does everybody think I'm a Republican?" Well for one thing Bruce you went to all those Republican conventions and shit.

7) I'm glad Jewel is not huge any more. If I had to hear her singing one more earnest folky song I was prepared to do whatever it took to silence her.

8) I'm a pill to live with sometimes.

9) I have never ever watched an episode of American Idol and I never ever will.

10) I have an X Box but I only have a few games, mostly sports games. I'm not a fan of fighting games or the first person shooter games.

Ok, that's all for now.


Jess Wundrun said...

I wouldn't have guessed you were a pill to live with. I had you pegged as more of a tool.

Micgar said...

I think your tastes are similar to mine-although I never saw Buffy on tv too much and never saw the movie-I did like Spinal Tap-I guess RR doesn't get to me as much!
I/we don't have any Game Boys or Wee wees of whatever the hell you call em!
I am not a fan of Jewel either-i just don't think she's very talented.
The X-Files_never was into that show that much either
I actually like some Julia R movies-some...she is kinda typecast at times.
I think we actually have some similarities with a lot of things.

dguzman said...

Oh, Monkey--we'll have to agree to disagree on Buffy the TV show (I LOVE it, am getting all the seasons on DVD) and on X-Files--though I'll admit it sucked after Mulder and Scully were no longer the focus. (I love Scully!) Julia Roberts doesn't make me puke, but I think she's kinda the same in every movie. But the rest--we're like peas in a pod.

Anonymous said...

I had a good streak going, not ever watching American Idle, til my gf forced me to watch one last year.
I'm so ashamed.

Dean Wormer said...

No X-Files? Not even the hillbilly incestual murdering mutants? (ie - Bush's base)

Romius T. said...

hated the tv series too but only mildly enjoyed the movie.

I can't stand spinal tap. I know. sacreligious.

x-files is ok when they focus on the conspiracy stuff , though the fan boys hated that shit and wanted to see vampires.

umm monkey, anything with an olsen twin in it is awesome!

Anonymous said...

While I sometimes liked the first few seasons of Buffy, I am not part of the Joss is God contingent. He's just not that good and certainly not that original. Entertaining pop ref heavy, derivative but not important fare.

And Jewel. Not a fan of her music. I would however have sex with her, but feel about it afterwards. In fairness, she'd probably feel worse about it. But please don't write a song about it!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...



Dguzman-Fine by me, let's disagree on those things.

Duros-I'm ashamed for you as well.

Dean Wormer-Whatever.

Romius-I hear the Olsen twins are this years Laotian Mini Wives.

Mwb-Jewel will write a bad poem about having sex with you.