It was a busy weekend on the real campaign trail. There were primaries and caucuses all over the place so I thought I'd get you all caught up with the latest news. First up, McCain spent the weekend giving his wife the evil eye because she forgot to puree his Cream of Wheat like he likes it. He also got mad at her for not Tivoing
Murder She Wrote and
Matlock all last week.

In other Republican news Mike Huckabee hit the bricks hard in search of votes and cash. Here he is in Kansas looking for votes and looking dapper.

His lovely wife Janet spent the weekend speaking in tongues and scaring small children.

And finally future historical footnote George W. Bush claimed that he would be an asset to John McCain's campaign and that Barack Obama was not ready to be President. Given Bush's track record of truth telling, the entire nation took what he said with a gazillion grains of salt.
In the Democratic Party race former President Bill Clinton was in Abingdon, VA, which is about 30 miles from me, over the weekend campaigning for his wife. I didn't go see him but everyone told me he looked just as good as ever.
And now, I saved the best for last:
Barack kicked Hillary's ass, shoot, I mean, he swept all the primaries and caucuses this weekend. He won every single one of them. Every. One. He lost none. I think it's time for Howard Dean to tell Hillary to bow out and let the man with the momentum run unopposed. Rock on Barack. Win in November, yes we can.
OBAMA IN 08!!!!!
Someone show Howard Dean the door and tell him to take Hillary with him.
Having said that, if Hillary wins the nomination I'll have no trouble voting for her. The media is trying to say that Hillary people wouldn't vote for Obama in the end and vice versa. That's bs and don't believe it. Most of us realize we have to get a Dem in the oval office and we have two candidates who could get the job done in the end.
Difference is that Obama supporters, like me, are....and I'll say it again...
I love that shot of "Mrs. Upchuckabee"!!! I recall her from that wife swap idiot program which I must admit to watching from time to time.
I am not supporting anyone yet. Why the ennui? Who knows, I have an open thread up about it to inspire me.
I must say you are compelling Dr. M.
As a citizen of Illinois, I say... you're welcome, U.S.A.
Hope you forgive us for Hastert and Henry Hyde.
It must be the H's that lead us down the wrong path.
Still can't get behind him. I can't even back Hillary enough to put her on my sidebar, but Obama doesn't inspire me at all. I'm sad about this, but I just can't help it.
i wish Obama's education policys were different but he still gets my vote. i just can't in good conscience vote for the shrew.
Did Bubba gain a little weight? Guess he's hitting Mickey D's on the road again.
Yes, time for Hillary Clinton to do the Mitt Shuffle
Who knew Topeka had such a catchy motto!
They should print up t-shirts.
Oh my goodness! Where did you find those photos! They were perfect!! Although I still think O misspoke about Reagan (I think he was trying to make an analogy to the mov't he is trying to build-he just happened to use the worst example of the worst mov't to come to power!) I am supporting him 100% I think he would make a great Pres. He is inspiring.
Hmm... How exactly do you get to Topeka?
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