1) I hated Buffy the TV series but I loved loved loved Buffy the movie.
3) I'll never see anything Julia Roberts is in, she gives me the creeps with her big ol' horse face and that braying laugh.
4) I was always lukewarm on The X Files.
5) I try my best to avoid anything that has an alum of Full House in it.
6) I don't mind celebs who come out with political views but I hate the ones who come out with certain views and then try to recant later when it's not cool to be a certain thing anymore, I'm looking at you Bruce Willis and your statement where you said "Why does everybody think I'm a Republican?" Well for one thing Bruce you went to all those Republican conventions and shit.
7) I'm glad Jewel is not huge any more. If I had to hear her singing one more earnest folky song I was prepared to do whatever it took to silence her.
8) I'm a pill to live with sometimes.
9) I have never ever watched an episode of American Idol and I never ever will.
10) I have an X Box but I only have a few games, mostly sports games. I'm not a fan of fighting games or the first person shooter games.
Ok, that's all for now.
I wouldn't have guessed you were a pill to live with. I had you pegged as more of a tool.
I think your tastes are similar to mine-although I never saw Buffy on tv too much and never saw the movie-I did like Spinal Tap-I guess RR doesn't get to me as much!
I/we don't have any Game Boys or Wee wees of whatever the hell you call em!
I am not a fan of Jewel either-i just don't think she's very talented.
The X-Files_never was into that show that much either
I actually like some Julia R movies-some...she is kinda typecast at times.
I think we actually have some similarities with a lot of things.
Oh, Monkey--we'll have to agree to disagree on Buffy the TV show (I LOVE it, am getting all the seasons on DVD) and on X-Files--though I'll admit it sucked after Mulder and Scully were no longer the focus. (I love Scully!) Julia Roberts doesn't make me puke, but I think she's kinda the same in every movie. But the rest--we're like peas in a pod.
I had a good streak going, not ever watching American Idle, til my gf forced me to watch one last year.
I'm so ashamed.
No X-Files? Not even the hillbilly incestual murdering mutants? (ie - Bush's base)
hated the tv series too but only mildly enjoyed the movie.
I can't stand spinal tap. I know. sacreligious.
x-files is ok when they focus on the conspiracy stuff , though the fan boys hated that shit and wanted to see vampires.
umm monkey, anything with an olsen twin in it is awesome!
While I sometimes liked the first few seasons of Buffy, I am not part of the Joss is God contingent. He's just not that good and certainly not that original. Entertaining pop ref heavy, derivative but not important fare.
And Jewel. Not a fan of her music. I would however have sex with her, but feel about it afterwards. In fairness, she'd probably feel worse about it. But please don't write a song about it!
Dguzman-Fine by me, let's disagree on those things.
Duros-I'm ashamed for you as well.
Dean Wormer-Whatever.
Romius-I hear the Olsen twins are this years Laotian Mini Wives.
Mwb-Jewel will write a bad poem about having sex with you.
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