Monday, January 14, 2008

Why I never!

Not Soccer Mom tagged me with a meme I had not seen before. The premise is: List five things that I never pictured being in my future when I was 25.

1) When I was 25 I never pictured the idiot son of George Bush would be President. He was just a drunk driving coke addict back when I was 25 and he may still be to this day if his behavior is any indication. He was a failure and a joke back then, which proves the Peter Principle that incompetence rises to the top is oh so true, and in the future history will view him as a joke and a failure still.

2) I never pictured when I was 25 that hundreds of people world wide would be reading my views on politics, religion, and pop culture. I figured that the corporate media would lock someone like me out forever and they have, but they never counted on the power of the internet.

3) I never pictured 25 years ago that I'd be in a long term relationship with a woman like Sparky. My luck with women stank when I was 25 and I figured I'd be consigned to a long term relationship with Rosie Palmer. So I just gave up looking and trying so hard, and wouldn't you know it, just when I did Sparky came along.

4) I never pictured that I'd survive a heart attack and bypass surgery. Heart disease runs rampant in my family, my Mom had it and my Uncle Bob suffered a heart attack and had a bypass when he was relatively young like me. I always kind of knew I'd have heart problems down the line when I got older and I had a feeling that when I did have them I'd probably not survive them. It's a good thing I have such a great cardiologist in Knoxville.

5) I never pictured the Boston Red Sox winning two World Series in such a short span of time. Hell, I was resigned to the fact that they'd always choke when the pressure was on.

I tag Mathman, Bubs, Johnny Yen, and his lovely wife, and Distributor Cap to do this meme. If you don't want to, then that's fine too.


Distributorcap said...

but i am not 25 yet!

whoa boy now i have to think

Suzy said...

Snubbed again. Sniff.

Anonymous said...

It's so cool that you've got a forum for your ideas. I love the blog thing.

Mnmom said...

You can tag me, you know I'll do it. You've survived a heart attack in your forties??? Congratulations!!! I survived breast cancer at 41. We rock.

Unknown said...

I am on it and won't fling any monkey poo.

Joe said...

I love this! Give me a day or two and I'll get to work on it.

25 years...shit, man I was only 6 year old or something...

Johnny Yen said...

Thanks for the tag! I'll get to work on it.

NotSoccer Mom said...

love your #3. i didn't put in my list that i never thought i'd be single and celibate at 45... go figure.