Thursday, January 17, 2008

For someone who says he wants to spread democracy and freedom...

...Bush sure spends a lot of time with repressive dictators.
Here he is with Egyptian strong man Mubarak. Mubarak refuses to hold free and open elections. He does that because he knows if the people of his country were allowed to vote freely and fairly then his ass would be out on the street.

And here is our Idiot in Chief with the Saudi King. If you want to know what life would be like under a repressive theocracy, then look no further than Saudi Arabia. Free and fair elections? Nope. Free speech? Nope. Freedom of the press? Oh hell nope. Lots of religious laws that hamstring the people and their free expression? Yep. A brutal repressive government that jails anyone on the slightest suspicion of dissent? Yes. The country where most all of the 9/11 hijackers were from? Oh yeah. You know what? Bush wants to reward their "great" behavior with a new multi million dollar weapons system. Oh well, at least they won't be able to use those satellite guided missles against their own people.
And finally Chimpy dropped by and had a chat with the man responsible for keeping him in power for the last eight years. They shared a laugh, a hit or two off the hookah pipe, and a bottle of Old Rot Gut bourbon before Georgie Jr. had to come home.

All in all Bush had a rockin' and fun filled time spreading his bizarro brand democracy and freedom in the middle east. Hang on, I just realized that he didn't go to one very important middle eastern country on his special trip. He didn't go to Iraq. Oh well. Maybe next time.


Mnmom said...

Can't wait until he just goes away. Like a bad cold, or the stomach flu.

GETkristiLOVE said...

C'mon, the trip to Iraq interfered with his fishing trip.

dguzman said...

You think he wants to get blown up?

Speaking of which, where were all those suicide bombers that the turrists promised us? Those welchers! I had my hopes up!

Life As I Know It Now said...

me too dguzman, me too.

Anonymous said...

He wore a freaking windbreaker to kiss Saudi ass?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

mnmom-He'll come back like a bad penny.

GKL-Sorry. I forgot.

Dzgman and Liberality-They must have been on a break.

Kirby-He's all about the classy.