Friday, January 4, 2008

Commence the race baiting!

The pundits and passe politicians all told us a few months ago that Hillary was going to whip everyone in the Democratic Party's Presidential fields ass. Well the good white folks of Iowa made liars out of them. Once again the talking heads on TV got it wrong. Obama won, and he won convincingly by getting white voters to vote for him. He'll get an unmistakable bounce in New Hampshire and a huge bounce in South Carolina.

What's going to happen now is Republicans and their water carriers in the corporate media are going to start attacking him because he is black. Rush and Ann and Michelle will all be singing a chorus of "He's black and he'll defile your virginal white daughters, that is if a damn dirty illegal Mexican doesn't do it first." Trust me, they're going to use every trick in the book to make Evangelicals and gay haters afraid of black people. If Obama gets nominated they'll do their best to incite race riots before November so that Cheney and Bush can have an excuse to cancel the election.


Ed said...

I'm not a big Obama fan, but my reasons for distrusting him revolve around things such as his statements regarding military action against Iran. That said, there is no way he could be worse than anyone the rethuglicans have to offer. I hope their racist tactics backfire on them, but I fear that they won't. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, I've seen a bit of this line of reasoning from a number of disgruntled Edwards supporters around the Lefty blogs. They're trotting out the old "he's not electable--only a white southerner can win" line again and again. It's like it's all they have left. Sadly they're parroting a future Republican line.

As for Obama's statements on Iraq, I will remind everyone that he was the only one to oppose this war (except for Kucinich, who mentioned this shared position in his asking supporters to give Obama their 2nd place votes).

dguzman said...

A sound prediction, I fear. I can't believe he pulled that much weight in Iowa. I figured it would be MUCH closer, like the point-whatever separating Edwards and Clinton. I don't like him because I think he's rather fake and packaged, but I agree that ANY dem is better than a repug., especially this year.

Anonymous said...

Personally I think all the Democratic front runners aren't so different when you consider their pluses and minuses.

I do get tired of some of Obama's supporters as portraying him as an anti-war candidate.

Yes, once Obama spoke out against the war when running a race in a safely anti-war distinct against a weak opponent like Alan Keyes, but then once elected removed the speech from his site.

Later said he didn't know how he'd actually vote if he was able to. Since then he has supported the war at every single juncture when it comes to actual votes and speeches before the Senate.

Plus voting to confirm Rice, one of the people most responsible for getting us into Iraq.

Throw in his war drum beating against Venezuela, Iran and Pakistan - and I remain even less convinced.

Mind you Clinton & Edwards are pretty much the same on that score.

Cup said...

The evangelicals are saying that we'll be wearing burkas and veils if Obama wins.

Interesting that the great white state of Iowa had nearly twice as many folks vote in the Dem primary, isn't it?

Life As I Know It Now said...

I'm still gonna vote for Super K when we get the chance in Indiana.

Life As I Know It Now said...

oh and no matter who wins on the Democrat ticket you can bet your boots that the Repugnants will fight dirty and hard with everything they can to smear whoever wins; that is to be expected. what we have to do is fight them, by writing in our blogs to set the record straight and to call them on their lies and propaganda.

Randal Graves said...

What liberality said. No matter who ends up getting the nomination, their Nazi fuckers will tailor their attacks for whomever, lawyers with haircuts, chicks or black dudes.

The problem will be that if Huckabee gets it, the Dems won't use any of his Taliban-esque views against him. And since they've been so inept at hanging Bush around the neck of the goopers, they'll need to.

I'm angry Jerry, angry and tired.

Joe said...

No, what you'll get is more of those forwarded emails about his "Islamic" background, and the rightwing talk machine will refer to him relentlessly by his middle name "Hussein".

While I think Obama is a better candidate than Clinton, I don't get the enthusiasm he inspires. I find him to be something of an empty vessel. Maybe I'm jaded because I know he started his career in the Illinois legislature, and Illinois politics is a hotbed of sleaze and corruption. We'll see how well Obama does after the Tony Rezko trial starts next month.

Distributorcap said...

dr m

i think the race thing against obama will pale in comparison to the "hussein" and madrassa and muslim stuff they will dredge up.... ann and rush are bush typing emails to their legions already...... it wll be ugly

The problem will be that if Huckabee gets it, the Dems won't use any of his Taliban-esque views against him

i think this time it will be different -- the blogs have too much power now -- i think huckabee will not escape into fantasy land

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Ed-I'm not fan of his no either but I'll vote for him if he is the nominee.

Danvera-Any Democrat can win, except Hillary, if they run smart and tie the Republican nominee to the horror of the Bush years.

Beth-Some times white folks will surprise you.

Lib-I'll be voting Special K as well and yes, we do need to use our blog to make sure the truth gets out. Thanks for commenting again my friend.

Randal-I agree, tie Bush to all of them.

Bubs-You are right my friend, they'll use the "muslim" angle on Obama.

Dcap-You're right my friend.

Micgar said...

You know that Fox and the others will come up with-"an old document is found which could embarass Obama-its a late charge for Blockbuster"! and other Swift-boating.