Friday, December 28, 2007


...when people like the ones in the picture above say we can't have the types of social programs we want from our national government because it would hurt big business, it's because they owe their livelihoods to big business.

When they tell you we have to cut taxes on businesses and that social programs like Medicaid and Head Start will suffer as a result, they make money off those tax cuts and not off Head Start and Medicaid.

When they say that we've got to keep government out of the "free market," they sure don't mind jumping in the free market when their pals in big business need bailing out.

When they say we've got to keep fighting the "terrorists," what they don't tell is that they are economic terrorists who's business policies helped turn oppressed people into "terrorists" in the first place.

When they say that we've got to privatize Social Security, what they don't tell you is that when a privatized Social Security system fails, they'll be just fine because they are all wealthy old white guys.

It's important to remember that a majority of people in this country do not want this war they shoved on us, that we do not want Social Security to be privatized, that a majority of us want single payer not for profit national health care, that we want programs like Medicaid and Head Start and free college educations and not more tax cuts for businesses. It's time we took our country back from the out of control consumption crazy capitalists. The vast majority of people in this country do not give a shit about what version of Jesus some people worship or if two men want to marry one another. What the vast majority of people in this country want is a return to the style of social programs and policies that FDR, JFK, and LBJ enacted and that made this country great. We want economic and social justice, not less regulation or less taxes on businesses. We want more businesses and the rich to pay their fair share of taxes. And most of all we want a government that works for everyone, not just for rich white men and their trophy wives.


dguzman said...

Tell it, Monkey!

The sad thing is that when these white guys are saying that bullshit, there are still people who believe them.

pissed off patricia said...


Also the guys in the picture are all batshit crazy and crooked.

Sugar Booger? Okay, my little honey bunny.

Anonymous said...


mad said...

Poor people make poor Republicans.

Randal Graves said...

dguzman, exactly. And yes, the system is gummed up to purposely keep the populace stupid and uncritical, but you know what? At some point, I'd like my fellow citizens to see through the haze. How many of us know educated, ostensibly smart people who STILL buy this shit hook, line and sinker?

If you, after all the evidence, especially the last seven years worth, still dig the corporate fucks running things the way they are, then I'm just at a fucking loss because that asshole's vote counts - ha, ha - just as much as mine.

And the next Democratic rep, congressfucker, president I trust to help right things will be the first.

Jenn Siva said...

My husband verges on republican, until I tell him another story about how no social programs actually cost him a ton of dough with some kid ending up in the PICU with a preventable health conditon. Then he doenst grumble about paying 27% to the govt. Otherwise, he tries to make more money, to pay less taxes... I never understood the whole mentality until hubby started making some dough, now I understand where he is coming from, but I also under stand that we are a collective of human beings, not just one rich one and a bunch of peons for him to shit on.

I am rambling...

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Keep telling them, Dr M. One of these days it will sink into their thick little skulls.

Frederick said...

You shouldn't try to remove that boot from your neck because it would be bad for big business...

Distributorcap said...

right on Dr M --

but acc'd to Joe Scarborough -- NONE of this matters if some scary turrists attack us -- all we want, at the expense of EVERYTHING is a big daddy like GWB or McCain to keep us safe.

and the country buys it hook line and sinker

Crayons said...


You know, sometimes I want to give up. I sometimes look around and feel like I landed on the wrong planet. What has happened to my country?

But then I read a post like this one, and I'm up on the kitchen table banging a saucepan with a metal spoon.

Once again, excellent analysis with a great use of rhetoric.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Dguzman-Sad isn't it? So many gullible rubes out there.

PoP-Thanks for you kind words poopykins.


Mad-So true.

Randal-You're right. They're all the same, they're tools of the corporations.

Green-Ramble on dear, my blog is here for you.

Barb-I pray to the dark gods that bore me that you are right.


Dcap-F*uck Joe Scarboro.

Crayons-Watch that banging, you might wake the neighbors. :)