Friday, December 28, 2007

What's that you say?

What's that you say Robin Wright Penn? You and Sean Penn are getting a divorce? You want me to hop in your car and talk with you for a bit? Sure, I'll be glad to.

Oh, it's terrible, divorce is tough. I'll be here if you want to talk more or if you just need a shoulder to lay your head on. Yeah, I'm understanding like that.

Why of course I've been following your career ever since you were on that NBC soap opera Santa Barbara. Yeah I used to watch it all the time when I worked third shift. I'd get up in the afternoon in time to watch you every day on that show. Oh sure, I know, you were kind of rusty then and you hadn't matured as an actress, but I enjoyed you on that show just the same.

Ah, I'm glad I could make you smile during your trying times. Seriously Robin, I'm just a phone call or email away if you need anyone to talk to again.


dguzman said...

Oh, and Robin? In case the Monkey's busy or something, you have my cellphone number. Feel free to use it anytime. Or just drop by. Really--any. time. day. or. night. Because I'm here for you. Totally.

pissed off patricia said...

Ah, you are so kind. You would do all that for a lady you haven't even met? And I'm betting her looks have nothing to do with your kindness, right? ;)

Suzy said...

Their marriage has lasted a lot longer than many of those in Hollywood. I'm sad that Sean Penn and Princess Buttercup are divorcing.

Anonymous said...

In other news, Sean Penn and John Krakauer have set up housekeeping together in a little cabin outside of Boulder.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Robin, don't listen to Dguzman! She lies, she's not going to be there for you, I am!!!

PoP-How dare you insinuate I am only there for her because she is smokin' hot. I appreciate her talent as well as her looks! :)

Suzy-Me too but only because I'll never get my shot with her.

Kirby-Damn woman, I admire you for knowing when to bring the funny. You slay me!