Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Quinn's back and he has a question

Actually, fat head, I have two questions. Why am I on here again after I asked you to stop putting my photo on your blog? And my follow up question is, what are you getting me for Christmas?
Well, Quinn, I'll be honest, I'm using you for a cheap laugh.
And to answer your second question, I'll be getting you the same thing I got you last year, but this year I'll be getting you twice as much of it! Happy War on Christmas little buddy!


Ubermilf said...

Haven't you heard? It's not "Christmas," it's "Generosity Day." I changed the name. Now you have no excuse not to buy the little guy a present.

Missy said...

Two boxes of nothing! Wow! Lucky kid.

dguzman said...

War is hell, ain't it, Quinn?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

UberMILF-I like your new name better, it sums up the day better.

Missy-Actually he is lucky, he's got great parents and a cool big brother.

Dguz-War is a four letter word.