Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Origin of Dr. Monkey

Many years ago my father was captured in the wilds of Africa and he was transported here to a zoo in the USA. The zookeeper was a putz who often was cruel to my father. He poked him with sticks and he taunted him with photos of a scantily clad Elke Sommer. Being the smart monkey my Daddy was, he stole the keys to the cages one night.
Dad opened his cage and he scampered to the zookeepers house.

Dad was a ladies man and he bedded the zookeepers wife in world record time.
All readers under the age of 18 please skip past the next photo or you may go blind, have hair to grow out of your palms, and or the baby Jesus will smite you for wasting all those baby making sperms.Nine months after their encounter I came along. I got my good looks from my dad and I got my brains from my mom. After years of physical therapy I learned to walk upright and to do things like you full blooded humans do.I also went through extensive electrolysis that was quite painful at times. But, because the ladies still like a bit of hair, I kept some of it.

I swear that story is true. So if someone tells you that I just found a picture of a monkey in a fez and I got Dr. Zaius to photoshop that head onto all kinds of crazy photos then they are lying.


dguzman said...

Monkey, do you draw these cartoons yourself? because that one with your dad and mom in the kip looks frighteningly not photoshopped....

Freida Bee said...

Now, there is a bedtime story I can tell my children.

Randal Graves said...

dguzman, it's because he's an artiste!

This is some funny shit.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

You should have gone for just a bit more electrolysis. Not that I don't love you, I'm just saying is all.

Dr. Zaius said...

Wait, wait... Are you saying that your father was an illegal immigrant and your mother was Elke Sommer?

Life As I Know It Now said...

no, don't pull out any more hair. i love you just the way you are!

Life As I Know It Now said...

opps, I hit that load it up button one too many times!

joshhill1021 said...

Ok so now I cannot look at the book, Goodnight Gorilla, again without the images of you banging the wife in the story. The wife in that story was not as hot as the one in your story though.

Distributorcap said...

like sparklepony
amazingly not photoshopped...

mwb said...

It took me a moment to place it.

The ever awesome Perry Bible Fellowship

I really have to buy his book.

- mwb

Karen said...

If you keep using that picture of TJ with your head superimposed on it, I might just fall in love with you.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Ah, that explains the relentless smile on Dr. Monkey's face (and your father's).

Anonymous said...

I'm with Boxer! The first thing I thought of was Goodnight Gorilla - one of my favorite picture books!

I think that zookeeper's wife wore curlers and a housecoat. Sexy is in the eye of the beholder.

Fran said...

You know, I miss a day or so around here and look what happens. I love the look of the blog, always evolving.

Speaking of evolution, the story of how Dr. Monkey came to be is heartwarming. Have you called a children's book publisher yet?

Your story could be hope in a binding!

I'm glad your dad wasn't the type to sit back and be caged... lest the world be robbed of your presence!

Missy said...

Hope in a binding! I agree!

dguzman said...

"hope in a binding" -- Fran, I love you.

Fran said...

I love you too dguzman but don't tell dr monkey, he will get upset.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Dguz-No, Dr. Zaius made those for me, as he does all the Monkerstein photos.

Freida-If you want to give them nightmares go right ahead. :)


Barb-I'm really smoother than that in real life.

Dr. Zaius-My father was brought her ein chains and in a cage sir, how dare you! How dare you!

Liberality-I feel the same about you dear. ;)

Boxer-May I recommend "Goodnight Moon" instead?

Dcap-Well to be honest....

Mwb-Nobody likes a snoopy sniffer. :) Just roll with it next time.

Karen-I'd only break your heart, I'm a bad monkey.

Kristi-That and the dope.

D Cup-Sexy is as sexy does.

Fran-That'll teach you to skip days.

Missy and Dguz-I'm blushing, stop it.

Fran-Oh how you misjudge me. I forgive you tho.