Tuesday, December 4, 2007

New Flickr set

I added the link to the set. Sorry I left it out of the initial post.

I just finished uploading some great pictures to a new Flickr photo set. It's all pictures from children's picture books from the late 60's, 70's, and early 80's. The photos remind me of the PBS kids show Zoom and the early days of Sesame Street when they'd show kids doing crafts and adults doing their jobs. The pictures I uploaded were from Rollerskating Mania, Let's Take A Trip to Thailand, Ethiopia: Mountain Kingdom, What Happens Inside a Skyscraper (which was about life in the Hancock building in Chicago), A Day in the Life of a Basketball Coach, Department Store Careers, and Handmade Crafts for Kids. All the books were discarded by a local elementary school library and I bought them at a local thrift store for a quarter apiece.

From What Happens Inside a Skyscraper.

From Let's Take a Trip to Thailand.

From Department Store Careers.

From A Day in the Life of a Basketball Coach.

From Handmade Crafts for Kids.

I also bought one called Lobsterman, which is all about a lobster fisherman, and it was written and illustrated by Dahlov Ipcar. It's a stunningly beautiful book full of insanely great illustrations. I'm going to scan it in it's entirety and put it in a Flickr set all by itself. Trust me when I tell you it's an amazingly beautiful book.


joshhill1021 said...

The basketball "coach" who is surrounded by four cheerleaders is kind of creeping me out to be honest. I am not sure that a basketball coach spends that much time with the cheerleaders is all I am saying.

Jess Wundrun said...

I did not know that what happens inside a skyscraper is that you have to wear a big condom on your head.

Maybe only in the HandCock building?

Dr. Zaius said...

I love them! More pictures, please!

(Jess: Ha! good one!)

Anonymous said...

Flickr? I don't even know 'er!


Randal Graves said...

The Department Store dude? So that's what LBJ was doing after he left office! He really lost some weight!

dguzman said...

I think had the same dress that little crafty kid is wearing.

Joe said...

These flickr sets are f*cking wonderful! Keep up the good work--seriously, I love this stuff.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Boxer-Where I went to high school they spent more time with the cheerleaders than the team.

Jess-I love that photo. Your pun however needs work. :)

Dr. Zaius-Coming up!

D Cup-I love that line. :)

Randal-Not being President will do that to you.

Dguz-And I bet you were just as cute too!

Bubs-Me too, I'm a sucker for those crazy old photo books, I bought 8 more today!