Monday, December 24, 2007

A holiday greeting from George W. Bush

...yow-weeeeeeee! Somebody's less than fresh all right. You wasn't lyin' Unka Dick. What? Oh shoot. Uhhhh, hi there Amurica. I didn't get told ya'll was there. Heh, heh, heh, how they hangin'? I'm good thanks fer axing. I just wanted to take a moment out from destroying evidence, shit, I mean from out of my busy schedule to wish ya'll a happy Hanuka-mis-wanzza. This is a joyous time of year fer me and my family. We love to celebrate the birth of Santa Claus and share his inspirational message of giving with others. Not only do I like the holidays real good but my cabinet people and my family does as well. Let's hear a few words from some of them:

Condi Rice here America, happy holidays!

Happy Christmas from your friends at the CIA.

Wazzzup America? I'm Not Jenna and I want to wish you all a happy whatever the heck it is you celebrate. I hope everyone except for Democrats, progressives, and guys who want to marry one another have a super swell time this holiday season.

I've got no idea why I'm here. I'm an old Soviet era statue. Please, someone please smash me and get me away from these people, I'm begging you.

Happy Christmas from Dick Cheney's future organ donors and their parents!

There ya'll have it. That's my holiday greetings. Oh shit, wait. I forgot, If they's anyone listenin' who don't believe in the lil baby Jesus in the same ways I do, then I got a special present for ya:
Sit on that and spin you tiny batter dipped baby Jesus haters. And that goes fer all of ya'll Mooslems, Seeks, Heebs, Hindoos, Hindon'ts, Science-tographers, Phototographers, Thespians, Gerontologists, and Psychobabblers.

Ya'll be good Amurica, I'm goin' on vacation for a few weeks, they's some brush down in Crawford that's got my name on it. Ya'll be sweet now!


Micgar said...

Do you like the Holidays real good like Bush does? Or are you a tairst?

Randal Graves said...

Is it a federal crime to not have Xmas lights up? Dubya, I hope you have many a pretzel today and tomorrow.

As for you, Dr. Monkey, have a great holiday, sir!

Fran said...

I'd like to start a BushBrush fire!

Also- Cheney organ donors? Doubtful. That f*cker has no organs.

Oh wait... he does need to eat, doesn't he? Got it now.

Happy Merry Bright and Sparkly to you and Sparky Dr!!!

Distributorcap said...

i have said it once and i will say it again
george loves those cocaine boogers

and condi is a KNOCKOUT!

Crayons said...

My ribs hurt from laughing.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

What's he got against the Hindon'ts anyway?

Anonymous said...

Dear George,

Just stay on vaykay, okay?

Oh, and tell Dick to take a long break, too.



Generalissimo (Dictator) for life said...

Honestly, I wish the president would take a vacation on every day that ends with a Y. At least he wouldn't damage the nation.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Micgar-I'm all about the holidays.

Randal-It's not a crime. Yet.

Fran-Back at ya.

Dcap-I knew you had the hots for Condi.

Crayons-Mmmm, ribs.

Barb-Who knows?

D Cup-From your lips to the universes ear.

Dr. Evil-I agree.

dguzman said...

Beautiful, Monkey!

I'm guessing those parents only had those kids to ensure a steady supply of organs for Big Dick. That was sweet of them.

Maybe W will get lost down there in Crawford and we'll never have to hear from him again. We can always hope.