Saturday, November 10, 2007

Who's the real threat?

I saw on Samurai Frog's blog a comment by a guy who says he is one of the "warmongers" who supports the wars of terror so I clicked on the guys profile. It seems he writes for a bunch of blogs and one of them is named "I Support Democracy In Iran." That struck me as odd since Iran is already a democracy, so I went to see the blog in question. It has one entry and that entry is titled "I support democracy in Iran." The body of the post reads, "I support democracy in Iran."

Being the trouble maker I am, I left him a comment that said, "There is democracy in Iran. Just because they don't elect candidates Bush likes is too damn bad." Now of course with the way some of those warmongers mind's work, they're going to come back and say, "The President of Iran is a threat to world peace!"
But when you look at it coolly and rationally, just exactly who is the real threat?
This guy doesn't like the USA, which for many years supported a brutal dictator (the former Shah of Iran) so we could plunder their oil fields and use their country as a base to keep an eye on those dirty Commies in the USSR, doesn't like Israel, and may build nuclear weapons one day. But the fact is he was elected in a DEMOCRATIC election by the people of his country. This guy hates countries in the Middle East who don't sell us their oil cheaply, has engineered a foreign policy based on greed, murder, and rape of the world's natural resources that has made the world a more dangerous place for all people and countries, especially Israel, and is the guy who lied his way into a disastrous war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

For all his faults the current President of Iran did not do this to these innocent people:
Nope. The man responsible for that is this guy:
So, please, tell me who is more dangerous? The man who was elected lawfully but who has opinions and policies that some Americans hate?Or the man who was appointed to his first term by the Supreme Court, won his second by suppressing black votes in Ohio, lied his way into taking us into war, drove up the deficit to pay for his war of terror, condones torture of detainees, who has trampled our Constitutional rights and civil liberties, and who has said that he is above over thousands of laws that the Congress has passed?

After seeing what Bush has done over the past 7 years, I'll gladly take my chances with the fuzzy faced President of Iran.

Ahhh, but then again, what do I know? I'm just a nerdy monkey.

Or is that dirty monkey?


Ubermilf said...

I support democracy in the U.S.A.

Dale said...

I try to stick to R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A. because I'm a nerd too.

bubbles said...

Great post and I'm loving those fushia shoes!! Nice color for you.

Randal Graves said...

Sweet Beelzebub, that's a crazy ass ensemble at the bottom. As for the point of your post, spot on.

Distributorcap said...

dr m
i am with you

Suzy said...

Dr. MvM -- What all of them said. And Jo-ji Bush is just the latest flavor of Christo-American Facism. Ask Salvador Allende.

Jenn Siva said...

I am in no way a Bush supporter, I think you know this, but I am sure the same laundry list of atrocities could be found for the president of Iran. I kind of feel like it could be found for just about any person in a lot of power.

I dont know that I would really choose one over the other. I know that in the US with Bush, I am almost done with him and it has been just barely tolerable. The grass is almost never greener.

SamuraiFrog said...

Nicely done, and thank you for pointing out what too many American's don't know about the Iranian government.

Freida Bee said...

Those pictures of those children are so sad.

I say when we have it all together here in the US, then we could ask, "Do you need help?" This sociopathic fingerpointing by the US government is transparent to all. "Please stop us," is all it screams and Ahmadinejad has just stood up to Bush.

Not sayin' he can't do some work of his own in his own country, but he's not going around picking the fights. Well, there's Israel, but anyway... don't we have enough to worry about without starting WWIII? I mean, really.

Anonymous said...

What Ubermilf said. Let's work on getting democracy back in place in our own country.

Generalissimo (Dictator) for life said...

You forgot, your a nerdy monkey with a fez.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

UberMILF and Kirby-I agree ladies, 100%.

Dale-Gratuitous John Mellancamp references will get you put on notice.

Bubbles-You should see me in chartruse.

Randal and Dcap-Thanks.

Suzy-I'd ask Salvador but Nixon had him killed.

Greensunflowers-Let's agree that all Presidents are pretty much assholes.

Samurai-What Americans don't know about the rest of the world could fill volumes. Thanks for your compliments.

Freida-Bush is a maniac.

Dr. Evil-When you use it like that it's "you're." Not "your." I'm just saying. Even evil dictators need to use proper grammer. :)

Crayons said...

Hi Dr. Monkey

This is an excellent post. Your analysis is astute. I like the way you steer clear of fixed phrases and hyperbole. The photos stopped me in my tracks. Even the bizarre one of W and the turkey. If the world ends in a big huge final debate, I want you on our side.

Fran said...

You know, you never cease to amaze Dr. Monkey.

This post was- maybe not the best analogy on your blog- but it was heartstoppingly great.

Your words evoke so much and your choice of images... brilliant.

I salute you.

And I do have a soft spot for you in that purple and green get up, I truly do.

dguzman said...

Lovin' the nerdy and the dirty Dr. M. Monkey/Love 2008!

Deepti said...

I support the impeachment of Bush. Too bad I'm Canadian!

Deepti said...

Also, nice shoes, Dr. Monkey.