Saturday, November 10, 2007


I hated his novel Ancient Evenings but he left a body of work that is like no other. He was a poster boy for free speech and for some other progressive causes, so Norman Mailer will be most certainly missed. Goodnight Norman, I hope you come back soon in whatever form you're coming back in.


Snad said...

I hated Ancient Evenings, too! I read about half of it and threw the fricking thing in the trash - it is one of three books I have ever thrown away, rather than subject anyone else to. Call it my own form of censorship, but there you have it.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Snad-At leaet we have the same taste in books we hated. :)

dguzman said...

RIP, dude. I've never picked up a Mailer book; I was afraid I'd be disappointed. Now I'll know to stay away from Ancient Evenings!