Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's true what those ads say

There is always room for cello.


XUP said...

Put that fiddle up under your chin where it belongs you dirty, dirty girl.

Splotchy said...

I am driving down to Tennessee right now to smack the hell out of you for that pun.

Randal Graves said...

She has that canned, zombified look going on. Gotta be the wife of a Republican congressman.

BeckEye said...

I'm ringing the pun bell!
(I used to really have one. Well, it was just me dinging my pen off of a lamp, but it worked well as a lovely bell.)

Anonymous said...

I played the cello in elementary school. It was about as fun as that gal there makes it look. I hated dragging that damn thing to school. The only reason I played it was because that was the instrument handed to me on music sign up day, and I stupidly thought I had no other choice.

Distributorcap said...

i was forced to learn the cello in 6th grade.

as for jello --- so reminds me of my grandmother -- when she would put pineapple in the jello when it told you not to

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Urban Ped-I like the way you think.

Splotchy-Okay, then afterwards I'll cook us something to eat.

Randal-Could be.

Beckeye-I'm glad to know you have a pun bell. :)

Kirby-I almost played the clarinet but then they discovered I have not talent whatsoever.

Dcap-Mmmmm, pineapple.

Blueberry said...

Are those rolled-down white socks absolutely necessary?

Dale said...

Why does this little man look so sad? There's enough cello for everyone!