I'm so glad you asked! I've managed to track down a few of them and here's what they've been up to lately:

Technically not ousted from power, though outsed from all Republican events because she supports stem cell research, Nancy Reagan has remarried. She and Buddy are getting along fine and she says that they may adopt from the pound soon.

Technically not a Republican, although it's being a Tory is the same thing essentially, Margaret Thatcher spends her days out on her back porch cursing at the lower classes who dare set foot on the property she stole from a striking coal miner.

Tom Delay is going to star an off Broadway musical adaption of
The Usual Suspects with these guys:

Former Virginia Governor and former US Senator George Allen is still not embracing his Jewish heritage although he is embracing sleeping off a five day bender where ever he can.
And finally,

Family matriarch Barbara Bush is travelling around giving demonstrations on how to box your servants ears when they don't serve you fast enough.
That's all for now folks, but I promise we'll keep up with all the Republicans who get ousted in 2008!
I hate those people!
cant wait to hear about Rick Santorum, Bill Frist, and Katherine Harris are up to
This is just like when Dguzman posted the pictures of Santorum after his loss last year...doesn't matter that it happened a year ago, reading about George Allen losing his Senate seat never gets old.
The classics are golden, friends. Golden.
I just want to know WTF Babs is wearing. That has to be the ugliest "dress" I have ever seen. I just thank God that the lighting isn't good enough for us to see her varicose-veined "roadmap legs." Ick.
Oh that Barbara...
Looks like Mama Bush has been going to knitting classes as well.
I think Mama Bush is wearinf her curtains...
wearing, rather
If forced to picture Barbara Bush's womb, I picture it like this.
I wouldn't mind seeing all incumbents become outcumbents, Republicans and Democrats alike.
It's time to start over.
Beth-I'm not too fond of them either.
Dcap-Then check back in next week, I knew I was forgetting someone.
CDP-You got that right girl.
Dguz-All her taste is in her mouth.
Frederick-If only she had said no that night....
Barb-She has to do something with all that free time.
Jane-Speaking as a bad typist, no need to worry about typos here. I make them all the time.
UberMILF-I screamed out loud when I saw your link.
Drilleraa-Let me guess, you consider yourself a "moderate" too.
Are you pulling our legs? That second woman was too lovely to be Margaret Thatcher.
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