From Think Progress:
Bush: ‘never really thought about’ war.
In an interview with Al Arabiya television, President Bush said, “When I campaigned for office, I never really thought about the decision to put men and women in harm’s way. I never thought that that would happen.” “But the war in Iraq is necessary,” he added. A reporter asked if “emotional moments” with relatives and friends of soldiers killed in Iraq would make him “reconsider or rethink” the war. “Not really,” Bush responded.
Hmmm... taking a job with "commander in chief" right there in the title, and he never thought about the possibility of war...
We are the great unwashed, not real people.
We're like the red or blue pieces he uses when he plays "Strategery-O"
That is an fucking kick ass shirt.
Um, remember how he campaigned on the idea that our troops weren't prepared to fight a war on more than two fronts? That actually made an enormous deal out of Clintons military preparedness. Cuz you know, it is so much better now that we are contemplating a third war without enough troops to finish the first two.
Tittyfucktaters. Really.
A reporter asked if “emotional moments” with relatives and friends of soldiers killed in Iraq would make him “reconsider or rethink” the war. “Not really,” Bush responded.
i cannot type what i am thinking...patriot act you know
what a fucking arrogant snide douchebag
I'd type what I'm thinking but I'd just get hauled off to Gitmo. Instead, I'll second DCap's "fucking arrogant snide douchebag" and raise you a "stupid motherfucker."
UberMILF-I haven't thought of Stratego in years, much less played it. Thanks for the memories.
Jess-"Tittyfucktaters"? Sounds like some sexy food to me.
Dcap-We're probably thinking the same thing.
Dguzman-You go girl.
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