Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Two for Tuesday

Here's two pictures I took today of some stuff in a local grocery store:

Worst jelly flavors evah!

Anyone care for a guava soda?


Missy said...

I would like a clean can of guava soda please.

Hey, I FINALLY finished Moldova. I feel like it is missing something...but I am done with that little place in Eastern Europe!!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Dirty cans only Missy! I'll go check out Moldavia now.

Joe said...

Sure, I'll have a guava soda if you can find a can that doesn't look like botulism exploded all over it.

By the way, my word verification was


Micgar said...

Oh that's weird1 My wife and I were just commenting on seeing "Red Pepper Jelly" at the store! I think it sounds kinda bad...yuck! have you had some?
That can is nasty!

kelsi said...

red pepper jelly can be delicious. i speak from long experience with the spicy jellies. also? wine jelly. divine.
i swear on a stack of qu'urans.

Me said...

The pepper jelly looks disgusting.

However, it begs the question. Do you have Fundie Milk in your neck of the woods?

Yes, FUNDIE MILK, complete with scripture printed on the label.

I shit you not. I thought Hubby was going to have his 2nd heart attack right there in the milk aisle.

Distributorcap said...

yum guava soda.........

Anonymous said...

Not a big fan of the guava, although Goya does make a tamarind soda that, in a pinch, can be combined with chiles and garlic to make a kick ass bbq sauce.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

It's guava-riffic!

Goya is very popular where I live (Chicago) because of the Hispanic population. I love most of the food, but there are some things that I'm not that interested in trying.

Katie Schwartz said...

here's what I want to know, what would possess someone to try and sell a bottle of goya that looked like a bird shit and jizzed on it?!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Bubs-I'll look but I make no promises.

micgar-Nope, never eaten any.

Kelsi-I'll take your word for it.

Hill-We don't have that brand here but we do have lots of food with bible verses on the packages. I refuse to buy any of it.

Dcap-Wow, you have eclectic tastes.

Kirby-I never heard of that combo, I may try it sometime.

Jon-Goya is popular here as well, both the painter and the food.

Jewgirl-Bird jizz is good for your complexion!