Thursday, August 16, 2007

Oh that Karl!

On the hate fest known as the Rush Limbo Show! Karl Rove said that Bush's critics are: “sort of elite, effete snobs who can’t hold a candle to this guy. What they don’t like about him is that he is common sense, that he is Middle America.”

I hate to be the one to bust your bubble Karl but you, Bush, and Rush Limbo are the effete snobs not us. You guys are all part of the huge corporate media/govenrment machine not us. We're ordinary tax paying voting citizens, we're not rich white guys who hold the keys to power. Our hands are not dirty with the blood of millions of dead Afghans, Iraqis, and Americans. We understand that you three have led this country down a rat hole in your war of terror and that you three work to divide this country to keep yourselves rich and in power. We're not the ones smoking big fat cigars and jetting around to Maine, Florida, Texas, Washington DC.

Nope. Not us.

And we're not the ones who will go down in history as the drug addicted radio talk show host who has no morals, as the alleged mastermind of the permanent Republican majority that never came to be, and as the worst most incompetent President in the history of the United States.

Hey Karl, how about you grow a pair and go on The Daily Show before you slink off to Texas with your tail beyween your legs. Or better yet how about in the interest of fairness, oh shit you don't know what fairness is do you?, you sit down with fellow Texan Bill Moyers and have a chat with him. Us folks out in Middle America would love to see that.


pissed off patricia said...

It'll never happen. These cowardly bastards hang with their own kind and play with their own shit. They don't dare leave the huddle and meet the real world, because well, it's real.

SamuraiFrog said...

Speaking as a Middle American, I can honestly say that Bush is about as rugged as toilet paper and as common sense as a beaten puppy. He couldn't be more effete if he tried, or more snobbish if he was born wearing a monocle. No matter how many times he tries to wear the outfit, he's not a cowboy. Hey, I like to wear tricorns, it doesn't make me a pirate.

Thanks, Rove, but Middle America is not full of morons.

Cup said...

Standing and applauding, Dr.

Distributorcap said...

karl talk to ANYONE who is not one of his boys -- not a fucking chance

and talk about snobs -- rush with that fat cigar...

the worst people ever....

Ben Varkentine said...

I think, really, all you need to say is: 35% approval rating, Karl, Rush.

35%. It's not snobs who won't keep smelling your pig feces and calling it roses.

It IS middle America. You can't fool all of the people all of the time.

Distributorcap said...

on a lighter note

idiot twin daughter #1 got engaged. Babs the impaler can now use her beautiful mind to plan a wedding.

Some Guy said...

You make an excellent point.

Boy, Karl, that took a lot of guts to go on Rush's show, knowing he'd hold your feet to the fire with hard-hitting questions. Try saying that crap on any other media outlet that DOESN'T cater to troglodytic mouth-breathers and see how many people agree with you. Face it, each of you is a person of privilege, no matter how much you hate to accept it.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Pissed-I know, I'm just wishful thinking that's all.

Samurai-well put my brother.

Beth-Thanks hon.

Dcap-I agree.

Ben-Looks like we can finally agree on one thing at least.
