What ya'll got to understand is that if we are gonna win the global war on coal then things like this are gonna happen. We are gonna take some casualties and they may be heavy at times but it's gonna be well worth it, especially when that day arrives when we have burned up all the coal everywhere. Ya'll got to have patience, this is gonna be a long struggle.

I have instructed all MSHA employees to stop inpspecting so much and to start helpng the mine owners get more coal out of the ground. Only when we get government regulations off the backs of the mine owners will we win this struggle. I am fully aware that more men will die but it's okay. I mean it's not like them miners ever gave me or the Republican Party a cent anyway. And from what I heared most of them is Mexicans anyways.

So lemme just sum up my points, in other words coal miners gonna die but it's okay because if they don't then we ain't gonna win the global war against all other fuels besides oil and natural gas.
Now ya'll go on and leave me alone because I'm about to go set the record for most vacation days took by a sitting President. Help yourselves to a Stuckey's Pecan Log Roll on your way out. They're not only good and good for ya, they also come in handy pleasing your lady wife if you can't git it up.

Bye now.
"your lady wife"
100% authentic!
Nice Post Doc, I find this whole situation infuriating. Why the owner of that mine hasn't been taken away in shackles yet is beyond me. I love reading posts that are supposed to be W talking, because I can totally here his bullshit fake drall in my head as I read the words.
Why do you think Laura's always got that painful smile on her face. She's been crammin' pecan log rolls since George's Ranger days. The only way he can get it up anymore is to watch war footage. That's the only reasonable explanation for George's calling our exploits in Iraq success.
Frankly the whole mine disaster is simply a metaphor for this country.
Tragedy beyond tragedy.
You know though Dr Monkey, sometimes I get the idea that you just don't love America".
That can't be true.
Oh wait, its that turd bomb in the White House who doesn't love America.
Missy-Glad you like.
Devilham-Thanks for the compliment.
Freida-That log roll thing got you didn't it? Run with it girl.
Franyouare-You are so right, it is an analogy for the whole country.
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