Friday, August 17, 2007

Canadians I love

I caught part of Democracy Now! last night on the radio and the wonderful Amy Goodman was playing a recording of the incredible Naomi Klein speaking about her new book and I got to thinking about all the Canadians I love. Here is a partial list of those folks to the north that rock my world and who I totally love.

1) Barbara from Bad Tempered Zombie.
2) Activist and all around genius Naomi Klein.That's Naomi's new book, it comes out in September. If you haven't read her last one, No Logo, then you're missing out on one of the best books about the ill effects of multi national corporations on our world today.

3) Singer/songwriter Gordon Lightfoot. I know Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald is supposed to be one of the cheesiest songs ever but I love it. I also love Sundown and many other of his great songs.
4) Film maker Deepa Metha.
5) Former Chicago Cubs pitcher Ferguson Jenkins. I'm not a huge Cubs fan but I always thought Fergie was a class act who could hurl that ball like no other.6) Laura Secord. If it's hadn't been for Ms. Secord there might not be a Canada today.
7) Edgy filmmaker David Cronenberg. He directed Videodrome, The History of Violence, and many others.
8) Naomi Klein. I love her so much I had to put her in here twice.
9) Filmmaker Atom Egoyan. The man and his movies rock.
10) The late Margaret Trudeau. She was the coolest sexiest wife of a national leader ever, except for maybe Jackie O and Elizabeth Kucinich.
11) Whoever invented poutine. It's nearly the perfect food as far as I can tell. It's fries with gravy and cheese and whatever else you want to toss on it. Mmmmmm.
Now lets close with the best national anthem in North America, O Canada:
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
If the rest of you Canadians shape up and start to do right then you might find yourself getting some monkey love from me one day.


J.D. said...

A!!!!!! History of Violence. Jeez.

Johnny Yen said...

Fergie Jenkins was one of my favorite-ever players. You've probably guessed that I'm a Cub fan from my blog-- I grew up on the North Side of Chicago. My son is an even bigger fan. He was born just a few blocks from Wrigley Field, and has lived his entire life on the North side.

Jenkins was amazing: he had six consecutive 20+ win seasons. A log of people don't know he's Canadian. Not surprisingly, he was also a great hockey player.

I'm a huge Cronenberg fan. He had me at Scanners. I think it's one of the most brilliant-ever examinations of dissent and dissonance in society. Plus, the exploding heads were really fucking cool.

Fran said...

An outstanding list, eh? Really in every possible way.

I mean Margaret Trudeau? Even I feel hot for her! It was so confusing for me back then.

And Atom Egoyan. Totally great.

Everything was fine until the poutine.

I mean for a woman who loves french fries, cheese and gravy you would think... But alas no. Those 3 together and I might as well be left alone with Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee. I wanna puke!

OK, the poutine is not that bad!

Anonymous said...

All amazing individuals. I would also suggest Michael Snow, one of the best of the alternative filmmakers, and of course, Phil Hartman, a true comic master. And let's not forget Marshall McLuhan, if for nothing else, his role in Woody Allen's "Annie Hall".

I can live with Gordon Lightfoot's "Edmund Fitzgerald". After all, the story warrants some sort of tribute.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

JD-Once you stop being so anal more people will like you and a girl may let you touch her booby one day.

Johnny-I'm an American League guy myself but I recognize greatness when I see it.

Fran-GIve poutine some love girl, go on I dare you.

Morse-I did say it was a partial list.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I'm all atingle from being on the same list as all those other Canadians who have actually done something meaningful. Or perhaps it's neurological damage from West Nile virus.

Does this mean I have to actually try poutine now?

Suzy said...

My daughter raved about poutine after her 8th grade trip to Quebec, so the next time we were in Canada I tried it and, well, it left a lot to be desired. To be fair, we only had fast food poutine. Maybe had the gravy been better ...

Now, Smarties and Aero Bars -- yum.

I have to add to your list: Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Robbie Robertson and then of course, Raffi. The Canadian author Robertson Davies is outstanding.
I wish, truly wish, that Wisconsin would damn well secede from this mess we call the United States and become part of Canada.

Whiskeymarie said...

You love Gordon Lightfoot, I love Gordon Lightfoot...

I'm going to go and listen to "Gord's Gold" now.

Poutine scares me.
When I was 19-20ish, we would regularly venture up to Winnepeg (drinking age was only 18 or 19) for a weekend of pretending we were adults.
The first time I saw a sign advertising poutine there, I misread it. I thought it said "poontine", which I thought was hilarious because it sounded like poontang.
Alas, it will always be "poontine" to me.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Barbara-Yep, my money is on the virus. And no you don't have to try poutine now. But you do have to have a Moosehead for me.

Suzy-Fast food poutine? Unthinkable! If Wisconsin does secede then I'm moving in with you.

Whiskey-You have 'Gord's Gold'? I'm jealous. I've got to get it. Don't let gravy slathered fries and cheese curds scare you, well maybe they should just a little.