Friday, July 13, 2007

When Harry was young

Since the new Harry Potter movie is out and the last book is almost out I wanted to tell you all my favorite Harry Potter story. I've been hooked for quite awhile on Ms. Rowling's books and the movie versions of same, I'm not a snob like some adults are about the Potter books. They may not be "great literature," but honestly, who the hell reads that shit anyway? I like the story and the underlying themes of good versus evil and friendship versus duty.

Anyway, I was hyped up like crazy to see the first movie. Back in those days I still had a dial up connection and I was on Compuserve. They had some kind of discussion forum about the Harry Potter movie and the theme was "Is Harry Potter bad for kids?"

Some Reich wing Christian twit was saying how the film was a recruiting tool for Satan and what not so I decided to have some fun. I left a message on the forum that while the film was just entertainment, that it did indeed bring me and my "family" closer to the Dark One. This humorless idiot left a message crowing about how she was right and that she would pray for my "family" and me. Not wanting to let an asshole have the last word I sent her a message back telling her to pray for all the people who were deathly ill as a result of corporate greed and for those who were oppressed by the USA and it's allies and I also suggested she lighten the fuck up and stop being such a pain in everyone's ass. What was her comeback you ask? She called me a Communist witch lover.

I laughed so hard I nearly missed my Warlock Politburo meeting.


Johnny Yen said...

A few years back, right after I finished teacher school, I subbed in Evanston, Illinois' school system. While I was working there, a teacher who was a religious fundamentalist forwarded an email one of her co-religious nut friends had sent her, an article about how Harry Potter was making children turn to witchcraft.

She quickly became the laughingstock of the school system, as it was revealed that the article had originally come from the humor newspaper The Onion.

Johnny Yen said...

I should add that she emailed the article to every employee of the school district.

Becca said...

I don't get these Harry Potter = Satan people. I work in a bookstore and with the coming release of the newest book we have Harry Potter stuff everywhere! Someone keeps coming in however and placing bibles in front of all the Harry Potter books. It's driving me crazy!

Everyone has their own beliefs and their right to those beliefs but this is ludicrous!

I read a stat the other day that 12% of Americans since 2002 have read at least 1 Harry Potter book. If the books were really as corrupt as the over-religous would have you belive there would be alot of little satanists running around. Then again you can't really apply logic to religion.

Fran said...

Now there is an insult with some real heft... You Communist Witch Lover YOU!

I'll have to remember that the next time someone annoys me.

NotSoccer Mom said...

ha! i love it!

so, have you seen the new movie yet?

Anonymous said...

For a woman like the one you were dealing with, there's only one book you should be reading.....

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Johnny-I love it when idiots use the Onion to back up their outlandish claims.

Becca-I'm with you sister.

Fran-Glad I could give you new insults.

Notsoccermom-I like to wait for the DVDs. That way I can watch them over and over late at night.

D Cup-I'm guessing you mean the Bible? Or maybe Trouble De Ville?