Thursday, July 12, 2007

Fun times with Jess Wundrun

If you haven't gone to visit Jess's new blog, then get off your ass and go!


Fran said...

she da bomb! and what a great photo you have come up with to promote her. it was a challenge to not steal it.

Jess Wundrun said...

Ah, a photo from the salad days. Thanks Dr. Monkey von Monkerstein.

(Did you see that I named my dog for you - sorta? He's Fez. Okay that's a lie, I named him before I knew you, but even then, I musta been onto something)

Dr. Zaius said...

Jess! You should not use your dog's real name on the internet! You have to be careful of identity fraud, you know.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Fran-Steall all my photos I use them without permission anyway, except the ones Doc Zaius makes for me.

Jess-From your days with the Flying Wallendas?

Dr. Z-Too late a poodle in Taiwan has stolen Fez's identity.