1. You're stuck in a flesh-eating zombie apocalypse. Would you rather deal with Romero shambling zombies who are learning to use tools and weapons, or insensible but crazy fast Dawn of the Dead remake zombies? Compare and contrast.
I'd rather deal with the George A. Romero Night of the Living Dead zombies. Those other zombies were way too damn fast and blood thirsty, but like Sarah Polley said in the "making of" DVD featurette, "The zombies can't help it, they're just being themselves."
2. Who's the first female cartoon or comic book character you had a crush on?

3. What makes your wife/girlfriend/significant other a saint in regards to her relationship with you?
The fact that she puts up with my foolishness and has not smothered me in my sleep yet.

or James Bond?
James Bond hands down. I've always thought the Batman, like most every other DC comics superhero, was a uptight humorless prick. Bond is cooler, is more relaxed, and he will kill your ass if needs be. And he gets all the ladies.

5. If you could do anything in the world that you wanted to do (assuming you're not already doing it now) what would it be? For a living, for fun, whatever.
I'd travel internationally, run an organic farm, do improv comedy again, and write this blog.
Ok kiddies, now the fun part. I'm tagging Katie "Super Jewgirl" Schwartz, Matty Boy, Samurai Frog, Becca and Jess Wundrun. Your five questions are as follows:
1. Does this look infected to you?
2. What was the name of your kindergarten or first grade teacher?
3. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?
4. What's up with the humidity lately?
5. What kind of alcoholic beverage would you buy me if we went out for a drink?
You kids take some time, and answer when ready. Okay? Okay then.
You kids take some time, and answer when ready. Okay? Okay then.
So then the question is, which Bond?
Connery, of course. Craig was a great Bond, too and I look forward to him developing more sophistication in his character in the next movie or two.
Nice answers. Jane and Judy Jetson, eh? Cool. On a totally inappropriate note, I once saw some really raunchy cartoon porn featuring the Jetsons. I hope that wasn't a contributing factor for your choice.
I agree with you on the James Bond choice too.
Well done!
Jon-My Bond is Pierce Brosnan.
Bubs-I saw that cartoon too but I was into them way before that.
I have done your bidding, monkey.
As have I, Doc.
Judy Jetson only has one boob, tho.
And Bond over the Batman for the simple reason that Bruce Wayne has WAAAYYY too much emotional baggage.
Added bonus: James Bond gets paid to do what he does. For Wayne, it's a hobby.
I wish someone would tag me for this already... :( ...
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