Monday, July 2, 2007

And now a message from our Idiot in Chief

"Hey Amurica, sit on this and spin. I'm tha decider and I decide that Scooter don't have to go to jail. If ya'll don't like it, then ya'll kin suck my balls. I'm the rich white guy who done be yer boss so ya'll got ta do what I want.

I could care less if I sentence thousands of brown skinned people to a life of hell, theys not Jesus lovers like me anyway so fuck them. I don't care if your sons and daughters go fight them brown skinned pagans either. If they die too, then that ain't no skin off my ball sack. My kids is safe and so is mah familys. See Amurica, I only care about you if you is rich white and on mah side.

I could care less if Scooty-pooty was convicted in a court of law that was presided over by a Republican appointed judge and prosecuted by a Republican Federal DA dude. It don't make a damn to me if the appeals court that said Scooty-bab-ooty should go to jail right now is made up of mostly Republicans. Theys all gots it wrong. I may not know my ass from a hole in the ground but I knows I'm right and theys be wrong.

This communism-utation should send a signal to all ya'll whiners that I look out fer people, people who hepped me. The rest of ya'll can suck my ass."
And now my response to the Idiot in Chief:

You god damned criminal pig fucker you. How dare you stop the wheels of justice so you can spare your lilly white assed friend? How dare you corrupt our system of justice and our government more than you already have? What kind of twisted ethics and morals do you have that condemns so many people to die but spares a convicted felon who was caught doing your evil bidding?

People of America, citizens who still value justice and sanity in this world, is this Libby sentence commutation the outrage that will finally send you over the edge?


I want you to stand up and demand that Bush/Cheney be impeached and imprisoned. To the barricades my brothers and sisters! Get rid of the traitors by all legal means!!!


Angry Ballerina said...

Wow. Shit. I actually got pissed after I read this. I WAS kinda happy.
Congrats, you just ruined someone's day, now if you will excuse me, I have to go yell at Boss Man for voting for this asshat.

Pam said...


Blueberry said...

Nothing good can happen until they get the puppetmaster and lock HIM up. By that I mean Prez Cheney, and that's after they impeach the other one.

Fran said...

You know, a couple of weeks back, every time I would read Dr MVM I would be aflame with anger about this matter or that.

Then I calmed down.

But that mother fucker Bush has me so pissed off right now, that two weeks ago has me like a little sunbeam for Jesus compared to what I feel now.

This country officially sucks worse than ever.

We must impeach the other a-hole Cheney simultaneously lest we end up with him in the big chair.

Katie Schwartz said...

now this is a lip smackin' vulva lip twitchin' post, monkeymuck. so inspired and so fucking true!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

AB-Sorry to piss in the Wheaties of your happiness, but you had to hear it from someone. May as well been me.

Pam,Blueberry, and Fran-You ladies with me? Let's take to the streets then.

Katie-You are back in the smokin' crazy hot Jewess Hall of Fame. You are the only person to ever put the words "vulva lip twitchin'" on my blog. Is it any wonder why I feckin' love ya?

Anonymous said...

You have a way with words, Dr. Von M.

