The angry monkey sayeth:
The mainstream, oops, sorry I mean corporate, media for years has been doing this:

They want us to shut up and let them tell us what we are supposed to think and how we are supposed to vote. They think that since they are on TV or on the radio that they know more than us, the great unwashed masses.
And for years we had to swallow their crap because we had no outlet to put forth our views, our ideas, our agenda. They told us so many lies that it became hard to know when they actually told the truth. They laid down on the job during the run up to the war of terror on Iraq and Afghanistan. They swallowed everything that these two criminals told them.

But now they are slowly realizing that people are not watching their biased "news" shows anymore, not believing the lies they spew out, and not falling for their corporate crap in general anymore. And they fucking hate it. And they call us all sorts of names for daring to call them on their bull shit games. And they will stop at nothing to discredit those of us who know that they are lying and who write about the issues facing this country with passion, wit, and zeal. Their glass houses are cracking and they know it.
It used to be that when I got up on Sunday morning I would go buy the New York Times and I would read it while I listened to the morning news shows on the boob tube. Not anymore. Now I fire up the home computer, have a look at the news on Huffington Post, Raw Story, the Progressive, Alternet, Think Progress, Crooks and Liars, and then I see if the many bloggers who inhabit my blog roll have written anything new since I saw them last. I trust what my fellow bloggers write more than I trust what the hairdo's on TV tell me. I trust the news on Huffington, et al before I trust anything in a newspaper owned by a multi-national corporation.
So you go ahead and cry all you want O Reilly,

and you whine about how all the left wing bloggers are attacking your lying ass Joe Klein,
and you tubby, you keep trying to get America to smell your stink finger.
Because guess what? We're not falling for any of your shit anymore. We know better. And you know what else? We'd demand better of you all but we know we'll never get it. So until the day when labor unions and groups like Amnesty International and Oxfam underwrite your news shows and not groups like Wal-Mart, Microsoft, and Exxon Mobil, then we'll just keep ignoring you and deciding things for ourselves.
Oh yeah, and I'll keep posting gratuitous photos of Salma Hayek because you all refuse to, so there. Nah nah nah.
Why is that gratuitous -- she's lovely and talented.
I feel more informed already.
I agree, Salma is completely tuitous. Or something.
Excellent post, and I second every last word.
Glad I could be of service tengrain.
Now that I have a second for Master Frog on my post, let's take a vote on it. A show of hands please, who wants the monkey and the frog to run the country?
Reading your blog makes me feel as if there is some small sense of control in the world for some reason. Then I see the pics of Salma and swoon. But not in a lesbian way. Not that theres anything wrong with lesbians. Shit. I'm done.
The only way I can cope with the idiots in the world is to make fun of them. And if you don't swoon when you see a glamour shot of Salma, then there's something wrong with you.
Yea there is something wrong with me. It's called a hangover.
I vote yes on the monkey/frog.
And yes for pictures of Salma and Gina and.......
Salma is lovely.
Now the rest of those asshats.....
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