That lesbian couple you tried to hit on at that
Disappear Fear concert is holding our Crunky now. It's a good thing they are nice gals and that they did not press charges or you'd be still be in jail. Seriously, how could you
not have noticed that they were a couple? Man you are so dumb sometimes, I wonder if you really deserve all the Crunky you eat.
Send me some Crunky, and Evil Spock'll hold it and send you a picture!
No can do evil one, evidently you can only buy it in Japan and other far eastern countries. But if you find some in an Asian market, do buy it and take a photo of yourself holding it and we'll put it up here.
I'm going to stop by the Asian Market this afternoon and do so. If there isn't one, I'll take a picture with some emasculating Hello Kitty confectionery or some other kawaii ilk.
Excellent. I'd be honored to put you on the "Who's holding our Crunky now?" feature.
man, even if they are a couple, i don't think they're all that serious 'cause that one in the sweater there was seriously digging me.
We're all diggin' on you Kelsi, some of us just hide it better than others.
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