My fellow Americans, I come before you to tell you about a new facet in my war of terror. I have instructed our military forces to begin arming Sunni militants in Iraqistan. We need to do this to insure that both the Sunnis and the Shiites have weapons to fight with.

Of course the Sunnis were overjoyed when they heard the news.

As were the Shiites.
Both groups are happy because they now have good USA made weapons to use and not crappy old Russian AK 47's.
To make sure everyone sees that we are being fair we will also arm the following people as well:

Smokin' hot Kurdish women,

Samuel L. Jackson,

the late Truman Capote,

these adorable little kids,

this Georgia O'Keefe painting of a flaming vagina,

this group of Hindus,

these white trash skanks,

the cast of Cats,

this herd of cattle,

this can of Foodtown Imitation Grape Soda,

All them people and things have their part to play in the war of terror and I call upon them now to do it. Now, if that ain't doing something different on the war, then I don't know what is. So ya'll leave me alone for awhile and let me get over this hangover I got.
I mean it.
Go away.
I have that G.O print in my bathroom.
That explains a lot about you then.
Mmmm Crunky and Immitation grape soda! What more do you need in life?
If you got Happy Strawberry Crunky and Foodtown Grape soda, then you already got a life!
Can he arm my Grandma? She's bored in the nursing home and is looking for something to do besides boss the staff and play bingo.
Hell yeah, in fact I'll arm your grandma. I'll start a charity called "Guns for Grannies!"
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