This week's dark haired temptress is none other than Stirling Gallacher!
Who the hell is she?
Oh sorry, we thought everyone loved her as much as we do. Okay, then to bring you up to speed, she was in: 

She played his boss. And did a damn fine job at it as well.
She's also in this:
We're sure she's great in it but we don't watch it here at el casa de Monkey.

But we do watch this, and repeatedly we might add:
She plays the Prime Minister's wife in this great sketch comedy show, as well as doing the voice of Margret in one of our favorite recurring sketches of the series.
So lets all take a deep breath and enjoy la belle Stirling:

"Should I throw away my career in British television and film in order to be the love slave of Dr. Monkerstein?"
"Sadly, no, I must remain in Britain. I must content myself with loving him from afar."
Who was she on Footballer's Wives I don't remember her. And thank you for solving the puzzle of who did Margaret's voice. I just can't get that image of her with no arms or legs out of my head. If you've seen enough Little Britain you'll get that :)
According to her IMDB profile she played "Rowena Banks" on Footballers Wives. And I'd be willing to bet that I've seen Little Britain more times than you, my girlfriend obsessively watched it all winter and who was I to tell her no?
I love laugh lines. So sexy. Hey, odd question, do you watch the Shield?
Nah, never have watched The Shield. I can't stand that Chicklet guy.
Shit! Yea he can be kinda annoying a bit no?
Hmmm Rowena...well guess I'll remeber who that is eventually.
And yes there are worse things in the world then watching Little Britain a million times. Have you seen Little Britain Live yet? Just came out on DVD and it's hilarious, the closing number is great!
Yep, a friend just loaned us her copy. I loved it. Especially the documentary on Walliams swim.
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