Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Not so fair or balanced

La Malkin has taken time out of her busy schedule of appearing on O'Reilly and try to start a race war on Americans of Mexican descent to pen this little missive about how bad a little thing fairness really is. It seems that Miss Michelle does not really want the airwaves to be really so fair and balanced after all. She'd rather talk radio remain the domain of her all her Reich wing pals. She'd rather you and I do not see progressive anti corporate voices on TV, she wants only voices and people approved by the multi national corporations that own all of TV, oops PBS and Free Speech TV are still not under Malkin's matsters control.

Oh Michelle, what is it you are so afraid of honey? Does the thought of appearing on a TV show beside someone who actually disagrees with you frighten you so much? Or is it that you fear that your political pals in DC will see their influence wain when people are allowed to watch something that is really is fair and balanced?

No! Just shut your mouth! You stop that this minute! People involved in the nationally televised political discourse are not supposed to be intelligent or fair or balanced! They are just supposed to be photogenic and be paid by corporate America!

Oh crap, sorry folks, it looks like La Malkin has broken into my blog.
I had to! You were about to sway some gullible person into thinking that the bad old days when we had the Fairness Doctrine were actually the good old days. Gosh, back then if you had some person like me on your show you had to have someone from the other side of the debate on there as well and you had to give them equal time. How awful is that? The way we do it at FOX is much better. I get to be on and then they have some one like Dr. Laura or Ann Coulter to balance me with because I am not Reich wing enough for some people.

I see your point and I see you are on the left on my blog as well. How nice for us left wingers, he said sarcastically.
Hey, you stop that this minute. Put me over on the right. Do it. Now.
I'm a Reich winger and I deserve to be in the right.
Screw you. This is my blog and I'll put your crazy Reich wing ass where ever I want. Your corporate bosses don't own my blog so I say nah, nah, nah.

Yet. They don't own it yet. When they finish buying everything in the world your ass will be ours. We will own you and you will by god do what we say and what we want. Ha ha ha, I've already got you off track. See? I distracted you into not telling people that my Reich wing pals screwed this nation over when they repealed the Fairness Doctrine and that we did it so we could control how people thought and voted. Ha ha ha, I win again.

Damn, you almost got me, well played you evil Phillipina. She's right, the corporations did repeal the Fairness Doctrine so they could control the news media. It's part of their take over of our everyday lives. If we take our country back and re introduce the Fairness Doctrine then shrill harpies like her and Coulter will be foreced out of jobs and they will have to go back to what they used to do for a living.

No!!!! I will not become a circus geek again! I will not bite the head off chickens for the amusement of slack jawed yokels any more! I've learned to appreciate the finer things in life. I've moved up the food chain since I've gotten all this TV work, I don't eat live chicken anymore, I eat much better food!!! And you know what? I'm hungry now!

Juan! Enrique! Pablo! Carlos! One of you damn Mexicans better get off your lazy illegal asses and bring me a snack or I will send you back across the Rio Grande so fast it will make your sombrero spin!

Si si, Senorita Malkin. Right away Senorita.

It figures. Here you are demanding that all Americans from other American countries be sent home and yet you employ them as your personal servants. Every damn one of you is a hypocrite.
Shut up you damn monkey! It's capitalism! They are willing to work for next to nothing and that's what I pay them! God damn it, where is my snack? You beaners stop French kissing, oops, I mean Freedom kissing your burros and bring me a snack!

Si si, here eet is Senorita.

Feed me!! Feed me you damn beaners!

This is too much for me. Get out, all of you. Get off my blog.

(munch, munch) NO! I am taking (munch) over this blog and you can't do (munch) anything about it. (munch, munch)

Oh yeah? Since I don't want to get my hands dirty with you, this looks like a job for Hitler Kitty!

Excuse me? Did you just say what I thought you said? Did you say you were going to let Hitler Kitty loose on me?

Damn straight. Only on you though. The Americans from another American country are safe, he won't attack them.

Holy shit. I better get out of here.
Too late bitch, Herr Kitty is here! And it looks like he's hungry too!
Damn, watch her run. I never knew she could run that fast. Thanks Hitler Kitty.



Anonymous said...

Dr. M - You're scaring your monkey with all the screeching and screwed up faces of Malkin and Coulter.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I could swear I trained tha monkey not to be sacred at the sight of her. Oh well, I guess I just have to spank my monkey. Maybe that will teach him.

Snad said...

It looks like Malkin was about to eat his head the way that slavering maw of hers was gaping open. She looks like she could crush a Buick with her masticating member.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

La Malkin will snap you in half Snad is you get too close to her orifice o' evil.