Wednesday, June 20, 2007

More corporate media whores slag us progressive bloggers

By not listening to us and believing everything we say the left wing bloggers are destroying America. How dare they form their own opinions?

I agree. It's treason that they are allowed to speak and spread their vile progressive opinions and facts. Do they not realize that white men in the media know more than they do? Damn them for not paying attention to us.

It's a crime I tell ya! Here I am on FOX and I'm also on NPR, so that makes me doubly smart and them doubly wrong for not listening to me and believing everything I spew. Guys, look at my bulging eyes, the more they bulge the more American needs to turn away from the bloggers and back to us in the corporate media.

Grrr, blogging bad. FOX news good. Wall Street Journal good.

They should be tossed in Gitmo, the dirty sons of bitches.

They disgust me with their whining about ending the war and making the world a more fair place for all. I despise them.

Hey, most of them stopped paying attention. What do we do now?

Let's turn off the internets!

Hey come back, I'll show you my tits! Come back! Please?

Hey you three whiny bitches, kiss my left wing ass.


Pam said...


They can kiss my ample white ass as well. I'll disinfect right afterwards.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Pam-Glad you liked this post and I will turn off NPR when I hear that traitorous twat Mara Liasson from now on. I despise her for appearing on FOX.