Hey everybody, if you had any doubt that Republicans were idiots, then this should dispel that.
This is Dick Cheney's kind of company. If you have not called that idiot Helms yet to cuss him out, then he can be reached at 931-454-3491. They'll give you his voice mail but go ahead and leave him one if you can, I told him there was a special place in hell for his callous ass and that if I found out where he's buried when he dies that I'd dance on his grave.
How much you wanna bet that if Dave didn't make fun of our Idiot in Chief every night that this guy would still be behind bars? Note to self, if we have to go to jail lets do it in Montana, they're idiots out there.
Holy crap, these idiot prosecutors missed their chance to indict Billy Tauzin? Son of a bitch! Someone needs to put his ass in jail for letting the big pharmaceutical companies write the Medicare drug bill of a few years ago.
If Gov. Cletus Huckabee loves them so much, why doesn't he marry them? Is he from a place called Dope, Arkansas?
Why does everyone in jail find God? Is She hanging out there or something?Thank goodness the news hasn't been all bad today and that there are some angels balancing out some of the idiots. Here's some good news for a change:
Hey, President Dumb Ass, hows that whole turning hundreds of years of legal precedent on it's ass going for ya now? Not so good? Good. Now suck on that defeat you un-American asswipe.
Sometimes it's people like this judge who make me almost believe there is a God. That's one black guy who got some justice in this country. One down and millions more to go. Hang on Mumia, we're moving as fast as we can man.
Let's end on a nice note folks:
Oh please Stirling, don't look so shocked that you're back again. You are this brunette o' the week after all.

are you trying to upset me? it's amazing how much more weight the idiots carry than the angels do. at least, for today. stirling is lovely, and justice is nice, but there's still just too much evil in the world.
I'll try to find as many angerls as I do idiots next time Kelsi, I promise.
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It's GEF's birthday! Please come by my blog and wish him a Happy Birthday! :)
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