Monday, June 25, 2007

A League of Mullets Movie Review

Yo, we watched Color me Kubrick and here is our review:

This film is based on a real life alcoholic British homosexual who used to go around impersonating the late great film director Stanley Kubrick. This guy would con people into buying him drinks, dinners, and more. He used people's unnatural love of all things celebrity against them. Of course things get sticky for him by the end of the movie, as they did in real life.
This is a hands down funny film. Many other movie reviewers took it far too seriously. It's a comedy with serious undertones and a message about our culture's love of all things famous (whoa, look at us using serious words like 'undertones' and 'message').
John Malkovich was born to play this boozy woozy old Queen. He nails it. He's sad and funny all at the same time. Watching him con these dopes is something to behold. His use of accents is fabulous, as is his wardrobe through out the film. In our opinion this is his best work since Being John Malkovich.

We loved the seedy look of the film and all the faded from their once glorious locations, like his apartment and the once nice resort hotel later in the movie. It really captures the essence of of who we think this guy might actually be.
As we said Malkovich is a stand out int he film but so are some other actors. They include Richard E. Grant as a wine bar owner who falls for the charms of the con man and gets burnt because of it. James Dreyfus as a male nurse who befriends Malkovich, Dreyfus also co-stars in one of Dr. Monkey's favorite Britcoms The Thin Blue Line. Jim Davidson is also wonderful as a fading British comedian who clings to the hope that his new friend really is Kubrick, Davidson actually met the man who the film is based on and bought him lunch thinking that he was really Kubrick. And finally the other stand out performance is that of Ayesha Dharker as "Kubrick's" psychiatrist who falls for the lies of her patient.

We heartily recommend this film. It's funny, it's poignant, and it's definitely worth your time. We loved it and we think that most discerning people will love it as well. Oh yeah, the best news about this movie is there are a few stray mullets in the scene where he cons the two heavy metal dudes into taking him to see the concert. You know, if more movies had more mullets then this world would be a more loving and peaceful place.
Rent it, buy it, and enjoy it. It's a good movie.

So say us! So say we all!!!!

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