Monday, June 25, 2007

Someone is having a birthday today

Former beauty queen, TV sportscaster, Muppet fondler, and first lady of Kentucky, Phyllis George is having a birthday today.

Smokin' hot singer Carly Simon's birthday is today too.

If Eric "George Orwell" Blair was alive today he'd be celebrating his birthday too. He'd party like it was 1984.

Space mom and Lassie owner June Lockhart is also having a birthday today.

Filmmaker Sidney Lumet is celebrating the day of his birth today as well.

The pot smoking half of Wham is also having a birthday today. George, have faith baby, you're career will bounce back. Maybe.

My buddy Todd's birthday is also today. He turns 50, I think. I could be wrong though, but I doubt it.

But lastly and most important of all, my girlfriend's birthday is today. She'd kill me if I put her picture on here, and she may kill me for even doing this, but what the heck. Happy Birthday Honey Bun. You're the best.


Fran said...

Happy Birthday and there are some fine birthdays listed indeed, but most happiest to you Woman Friend of Dr. MVM.

May you enjoy it in the ways that you choose!


P.S. you could see then that George Michael was going down a bad road, a very bad road. Sigh.

Matthew Hubbard said...

I know a man's blog is his castle and none should tell him how to run it, but no label for George Orwell? I loves me some George Orwell! He's way up near the top of my favorite writers list.

And happy birthday to your special friend, and many happy returns.

Jess Wundrun said...

Happy Birthday Von Monkerstein consort!!!!!!

1. There is something freakishly strange about Phyllis' cleaveland in that photo. Heterosexually speaking, I'm not sure why I was looking.

2. There is an excellent cut on Carly's new record "Into White" that has the entire Taylor family harmonizing together. Gives me chills.

3. I, too, love George Orwell. How would we describe what's happening today without his guidebook? (Well, there's Sinclair Lewis and Hitler). Orwell looks like a serial killer, tho.

4. I understand that for some unkown reason, June Lockhart goes to all the White House Presidential stenography meetings.

5. Your buddy's birthday and your woman's birthday are on the same day. You better keep an eye on those two once the Kamikaze shooters start flowing!!!

Oh, long comment. Sorry. Going now.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Speaking for my gf, I would liek to thank all of you for the birthday wishes you send her. You all rock, though not as much as she does.

kelsi said...

yay, birthdays!
happy birthday, lady monkey!
and everyone else, too.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your Girlfriend. Happy Birthday to Todd (may his AARP travel discounts commence!)

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

We thank you for your birthday greetings Kelsi and D Cup. Actually my buddy Todd is 44 today. I just like reminding him how old he's getting.

Dr. Zaius said...

June Lockhart is on the phone for me? Tell her I'll be right there! I'll get it on the extension in the hall.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your birthday wishes. I feel the sweet bloggospherian love and right back at you. Thanks, too, for keeping my little Monkerstein occupied. He's a frisky little fellow and I need my rest, especially now that I'm somewhere between 40 and death (stolen from Auntie Mame. Yes, I loves me some Old Broadway.)

Pam said...

How damn sweet!!

I bet she is smokin' hot ;-).

Anonymous said...

Indeed, you feces-throwing abomination, I do enter the realm of the 44 year old reprobates. I send along the birthday wishes of that strumpet to whom I am endlessly betrothed, and my own, to your lovely landlord. You do know you are merely a lodger (albeit one who is willing to be spanked)?

As you may recall, George Michael and I were actually born on the same day! He also is now 44 years old, as well as 3 more public toilet assignations and 4 more ounces of dope away from 20 years in the hoosgaw.

Thank you for your timely recognition. Now, back in your cage... but first ... dance, dance you damned dirty ape!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Pam-She's pretty darn smokin' you are indeed correct.

Covert! Take your meds damn you.