Saturday, June 2, 2007

Jokes you can tell your kids

Let's hear it for our friend Todd Covert. He's a got a joke you can tell your kids.

One night a little boy was being bad at the dinner table by not praying to Jesus for thanks and then not even eating his peas, so his parents went on a wild multi-state killing and robbery spree. NOW EAT YOUR FUCKING PEAS!!!!!!

Thanks. I'm here all week or until I get the sweet sweet release of death. And you know what? Not all jokes you can tell your kids are funny, some illustrate important life lessons. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Evil Spock said...

Evil Spock can't tell this fucking joke to any fucking kids. What the fuck is wrong with you fucker?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

There's not a fucking thing wrong with me, you fucking fuck. Now fuck off before someone gets fucking fucked up.

Tiggerpaws said...

I will eat the peas if you wanna clean up my allergic diarrhoea reaction