Friday, June 8, 2007

Another tale of religion in the classrom

Our post the other day about the girl we went to college with who did not know what a foreskin was reminded us of another religion in the classroom story.

My good friend Todd, he told this joke you can tell your kids, was in law school a few years back at the University of Tennessee and he had to take a class called The Bible as Literature. Todd is a big time atheist and he already had a MA in English so he knows what the hell literature is. He resented having to take a class that he felt was all about converting people to Jeebus and he complained about it all the time.

One day during this time he told me that everyone had to deliver a talk on a paper that they had to write for this class. He told me that when the day for him to talk about his paper he stood up and smiled. He then said in a strong clear voice the title of his paper, which was: The Book of Joshua or How Those Lying Thieving Murdering Israelites Got Their Groove On.

He laughed when he told me that as soon as those words came out of his mouth that he heard an audible gasp from the girl who sat behind him. Then he went on to tell me that he could heard the sounds of his other classmates scooting their chairs away from him as he went on to read his paper. Me, I was crying with laughter when he told me all of that and I still laugh out loud today when I tell someone that story or if something makes me think of it again.

In a post script to his tale he told me that all his complaints led to the University dropping that particular class from the required curriculum of the law school. It was a small victory but a victory nonetheless.

Oh yeah, one more thing, hey creepy guy who checks out all blog posts that have the word 'foreskin' in them, there's no need for you to leave a comment on this post. We think your time and comments are best served elsewhere and not here, so pull up your turtleneck and scram.

1 comment:

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Creepy foreskin guy, I told your stupid ass not to leave anymore comments here you idiot. I meant it too.