We'll let Splotchy explain how this works:
I call on the bloggers of the world to adopt an actor.
I would recommend you pick a character actor, as they are the unsung heroes of the entertainment world.
By adopting Character Actor X you are not expected to be an exhaustive resource on X, nor are you expected to have seen all movies in which X acted. No, none of that crap.
I would only ask that you promote the actor from time to time, and occasionally keep tabs on their progress (assuming he or she isn't dead). If you want to do it up nice, make a l'il space on your blog where you can have a picture of them.

We understand why she's the "go to Asian" in many movies and TV shows, it's because she's a damn good actress period. We hope to see her in many many more roles in the future and we hope casting directors give her a chance to play "outside" her race by casting her not just because she is Asian, but because she is the best actor for the role.
And so because she does such fantastic work in all her various film and TV roles, we are proud to adopt Archie Panjabi and to do what little we can in promoting her career. We're sure she'd do the same for us if the tables were on the other foot.
Is this kinda like how Woody Allen adopted Soon Yi?
Where does Evil Spock sign up?
Sure dude, it's exactly like that. How about you adopt Lindsay Lohan's sister now.
may i adopt a dead actor? good, 'cause i've always wanted to have a claim on klaus kinski.
but if that breaks all the rules, then i'm going to adopt rainn wilson, 'cause i'm vindictive like that.
Sugar booger, you do what you like. This is a free country, if you are into dead Germans, then get your freak on girl.
i'm very glad that you're so open-minded with my quirks.
and that i didn't have to adopt rainn.
We're all about inclusion here Kelsi.
At some point we should get all are adopted actors (dead or alive) and have a play date.
Congratulations on your adoption, doc.
What? You are cheating on Salma?
Thank you for the idea Splotchy.
Salma needs no help with her careet Pam, she's a white hot aupernova buring through my pants, oops, I mean through the Hollywood sky. Archie on the other hand is a great actress who needs all the PR she can get over here.
I think she's a splendid choice, but MizBubs said something about it not being fair, picking actors who are...HOT.
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