I know we have had our differences in the past. I never voted for you and I actively worked for your defeat in 2004. I despise most everything you done while in office from trampling on the Constitution, to invading Iraq so your pals at the oil companies can have a secure source of oil, to your laughable attempts to improve our nation's schools with your "No Child Left Behind" mumbo jumbo, to your shoving the unpatriotic Patriot Act down our throats, to politicizing the Justice Department and the GSA, to your ineffectual response to Katrina and most every other natural disaster that did not take place in Florida, to your weak enforcement of the civil rights laws in this country, to, oh well the list goes on.
But now that your term draws to a close, and thank sweet sweet Jeebus for that, there is still time left for you to actually do some good for us here in the USA. To show you how we much we here at Monkey Muck HQ are willing to help, we humbly offer this list of things that you can do to help the large segment of Americans that your policies have hurt for so many years:
- End the war now. You did what you set out to do in Iraq. You proved that you had bigger balls than your daddy by invading and overthrowing Saddam. You put a "democracy" in place. We'll give you that, what we'll also give you some leeway when you say that you "won" the war over there. We promise not too laugh to hard when you say that, we promise.
- Stop spending so much on the military industrial complex and the federal prison industrial complex reinvest that money in scholarships for poor and working class kids, a national health care system, and in rebuilding our crumbling national infrastructure.
- Eliminate taxes on people making less than $25,000 a year and couples making less than $50,000 a year and then raise taxes on every one making over $100,000 year.
- Close every loophole that the greedy multinational corporations use to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.
- Stop the persecution of our fellow Americans, you know who we mean, the Americans from Central and South America, who want to come and work and live in this country.
- Stop persecuting gays and lesbians. Homosexuality is not a crime so stop letting your party and their henchmen demonize our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters. It's not fair that only one lesbian, Mary Cheney, gets all the protection in this country. The freedoms and protections that you and Dick give to her must be given to all other lesbian and gay people.
- Break the ever increasing multinational corporate control over the lives of Americans. The precedent for you to do this is already in place, I refer you to the "trust busting" that Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, did in the early part of the 20th century.
- Finally, stop trying to take the freedom of choice from the women of this country.
If you do these things we ask then we promise to stop using pictures like this of you when we post here in the future:

Please listen to us Mr. President, listen to the American people for once in your life. Listen to me, and listen to this guy:
And to this woman:
And if that does not move you then listen to the cries from children like these:

Steven Denton, blogging as Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein
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