The only problem we have with the Idiot in Chief finally accepting the idea of benchmarks this late in the game is that he won't fucking end the war entirely and bring all the troops and the pricks who work for Blackwater home. He thinks that if he gives a bit then we'll all forgive his stupid bloodthirsty ass for killing those hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and the thousands of our soldiers and for the maiming of all the others both mentally and physically. The Idiot in Chief acts like he's doing us all a favor now by accepting the idea of benchmarks, but notice they have actually been put into place yet. We guess we're supposed to think his switcharoo on the benchmark question makes him a saint now. No wait, that's not grandiose enough for our Idiot, the change in his thinking makes him: Jeebus Bushchrist!!

If you have a chance, catch Reza Aslan's appearance on last night's The Daily Show. He broke down the big lies about Al Qaeda in Iraq, and thanks once again to The Daily Show for being one of the only shows on TV that has the balls (or ovaries, if you prefer ladies) to put on sane guests (George Tenent excluded of course) who actually know something about Iraq and the Middle East in general.
And finally as the big bulging vein in our head subsides after getting shed of some of our anger at the Idiot in Chief, we'd like to point out this story at Think Progress. Since Minority Leader Boner is as delusional as his President is we're not sure exactly who he thinks the one member of Congress who voted against sending our troops into Iraq was, but we think it must have been this guy:
And you know what else he voted against? The unpatriotic Patriot Act and the most recent bill that keeps the war funded and lets ExxonMobilShellBP steal the oil out from under the feet of the Iraqi people.

Ahhh, it always puts us in a better frame of mind to write about Rep. Kucinich. He makes us feel so good and we think it's because he is the only politician in Washington DC who is forward thinking, not in the pocket of the multi-nationals, people focused, and quite the ladies man to boot. Don't believe us on that last point? We'd like to remind you who his wife is:

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