Congressman X: You're killing us out there Mr. President. This war is draining our country and making us look bad worldwide. You are out of touch sir.

Congressman X: Condi, with all due respect, you're wrong.

(Sound of all persons in the room turning and an audible gasp can be heard.)

Congressman Y: Holy shit! Is that a baby forcing a shirtless red neck in an alcoholic stupor to drink a beer?
President Bush: Heh, heh, heh. Man that baby is awesomely funny. I think he popped out of Jenna or Barb Jr. or maybe it was one of those babies Bill Clinton left when he moved out.
Karl Rove: And that red neck said he loved the war, so there.
Congressman Y: This is worse than I thought.
Congressman X: Listen to me, this is insane. The war has to stop. You keep telling us that we have to fight them there so they don't come over here, but just yesterday they arrested some guys in Jersey who were terrorists.
Condi: That's not fair. No one could have predicted that those men were terrorists, just like no one could have predicted that Hamas would win the Palestinian elections, and that other terrorists would fly planes into the Twin Towers.
Congressman Y: None of you have credibility.
Karl Rove: Yes we do.
President Bush: Heck, yes we do.
Condi: Yep. We fairly ooze credibility.
Congressman X: Says who?
President Bush: That guy.
Congressman X: The drunk red neck.
Condi: Yep, and the baby says so too. So it must be true if people are saying it.
Congressman X: That baby can't talk!
Karl Rove: Sure it can.
President Bush: I taught it to talk, just like I taught it to pour beer down people's throats. Dang, I'm good. Heh, heh, heh.
(A strange sound begins and guttural moans can be heard from Condi Rice.)
Karl Rove: You guys better go, when she starts to change we can't control her. Only human flesh can sate her unholy hunger.
(The Congressmen run out in a panic and then laughter can be heard.)
Condi: The old werewolf trick gets them everytime.
President Bush: Hey, get that baby another beer, his daddy looks like he might be sobering up. Man, that baby cracks me up. Heh, heh, heh.
OMG - this is HILARIOUS!! Except every word is so close to the truth, it's scary!
Kucinich '08 all the way!
The truth can set you free mom, and scare your ass off as well.
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